over it

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Finally college is over with. I got my papers I needed for it and packed my shit up and went my ass home. I'm happy yet sad to be out of college.

Pro: No more weird class schedules, I get to Fashion school after a while, no more living on a campus with a roommate. (I love Jordan, but I would rather live with my dad or alone). No more having to see Katelyn Rick, Mallory, Gwen, Emily, or Harry anymore! Also I have more of a free schedule.

cons: I won't see my friends as often since I'm going to be at fashion school. We still have work. Fashion school will be part time


I get to see my friends at work at least. I'm working full time now. I already paid my way into Fashion school and sent my outfit. I'm now just getting myself money to pay for my new apartment. I have money from selling clothing, but I just need some more so that I won't have to sew constantly.

I used to only have to sew twice a week. Now I would have to sew like four or five times. Sewing is harder than it looks!

As for my friends, Julie is starting to plan her wedding, Whitney is still going steady with Larry. Lennie is still with Danny. They are engaged. I met her. She super cool and she is going to fashion school too. Her style is emo, but it looks good.

Aidan has completed most of his woman work as I call it. He looks just like a woman. He is getting a sex change next November.

Jordan is pregnant and Nathan is leaving the game. He is using his money to go through law school. He loves Jordan.

As for my foes, they don't seem to be doing so well. Katelyn is pregnant. Pulling out doesn't work. Rick gates her and ignores her. Emily got hit by a car and is in the hospital. Gwen boyfriend broke up with her because she was being a bitch. Mallory got herpes. I knew she was nasty. Harry got jumped for saying the wrong thing to somebody's girlfriend. That's what his ass gets.

Dad got married last week. The wedding was so beautiful. I was a bridesmaid, Champion was the ring bearer. He looked so good in his little white suit. I picked it out.

The after party was wild. I was getting it on that dance floor with one of my dad's husband's nephews. Nigga was fine. I'm not gon date him though. He too close to being family.

Mom is dealing with Robert. He is in his last stages. He is in the hospital. I don't know when he'll die. I honestly never thought I would wish death on someone, but he gotta go.

All that college and high school shit is over. I finally get to start living my dream.

hey all

hope you liked it.

the end niggas.

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thanks to Danny_Dawson for giving me the names for these characters.  Giiirlll you don't know how much of a bind I was in trying to write these names and characters.

Lol. anyway. thanks to ALL the people who read this.

thanks to the people who commented and voted.

thank y'all. See you next book.

Fashionably Big.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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