one month.

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Austin's p.o.v.

*one month later*

One month. One fucking month since i last spoken to her. I couldn't stand it. Here i am walking into the cafeteria with Rachel next to me. Me and Rachel are good friends, but nothing more. I miss her. Fuck, i really miss her. I never realised that being heartbroken felt this way. I not only lost my best friend but the first person i ever loved.

I finally admitted to myself. I love Amber. Not only just a friend but more than that. She was my anchor that kept me in my place. I dont know why i always kepted it a secret, but i started loving Amber ever since i was ten. Thats when i gave her that teddy bear, i actually won it for her when we went to the school carnival together. I guess you can say that was our first date, but she probably wont remember. Because that was the night when the accident happened.



There i watched as my best friend is put into the ambulance truck and rushed to the hospital all because some idiot decides to drink while driving.

I was just walking her home cause our school was down the street, and all of a sudden this car came around the corner driving really fast. Before i could do anything the car hit Amber and it was all just a blur. Her parents heard the car screeching and came running towards us. I stood there shocked and scared just thinking about what will happen to Amber. And then the ambulance came and rushed her to the hospital.

Her dad took me home while her mom went with her.

"Austin, you did a good thing son,"
her dad told me.

"but sir i didnt do anything, all i did was watch Amber get hit," by this point i was crying.

"but you gave her a friend, a friend that truly cares about her and you showed her that just cause you're different doesn't mean you dont belong." he told me. "and thats all i ever wanted for my little girl, for her to have someone who cares for her and you gave her that."

*flashback ending*

That was the night i knew i loved her. And when i visited her that day at the hospital she was in a coma. And when she woke up three days later, the last thing she remembered was me winning her that teddy bear. Which made me upset a little bit, cause then she didnt remember our first kiss. Our first kiss was moments after i won her that teddy bear and thats when i first told her i loved her. Sure ten is a young age, but deep down I knew that when the future comes I'll be able to call her mine.

But it doesn't matter now cause she doesn't want me in her life anymore.

"Austin? hello Austin?"

"oh, yeah Rachel?"

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted to see a movie this friday?" she said smiling. Friday. I was suppose to take her to see a movie that Friday, but no I broke her heart.

"oh uh, no thanks, I think I'll just stay in and study." i said looking over to Amber. She was sitting by herself all alone in the corner table just eating her salad. Which made me feel guilty because she was always alone all the time.

"its cool, " she said still smiling, "you know if you really miss her, maybe you should go and talk to her." she said looking at Amber.

"i can't, she told me to never speak to her again and thats exactly what im doing."

"but Austin, its killing you. I can see it, you haven't been yourself lately and I can tell she's not only just a best friend to you, she's your first love."

"how do you know th..."

"i can see it in your eyes loverboy," she said smirking, "you love her, you're just afraid of her not loving you back."

Rachel does have a point, "you're right Rach." I said smiling at her.

"am i always" she said giggling.

"i think im gonna go and talk to her."

"go get her tiger," she said smiling towards me.

I stand up from the table we were at and slowly made my way towards where she was sitting.

This is it Austin.

Its now or never.

"Hi Amber, how are you?"


I hate the fact that I like the theme song of Liv and Maddie -___- like no why must you be so catchy????

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