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THE FOUR GIRLS SAT IN THE BAR, THREE OF THEM IN RIDICULOUS LOOKING COSTUMES. Donna wasn't exactly sitting with them though. She was sitting a nearby table with Bill. Sabrina, Rosie, and Tonya sat at another table, Rosie drinking heavily. 

"I just don't understand how you're not freaking out about this" She told Sabrina, who sipped her brightly colored cocktail slowly as she watched the two at the table laugh and converse. 

"I don't want to seem clingy. It was just three weeks"

"A beautiful three weeks," Tonya corrected her "You learned every inch of his body for three weeks and there he sits talking to Donna!"

"Tonya!" Sabrina broke her stare to shoot a playful glare at her friend "It's not like I said 'I love you' or anything," She shrugged her shoulders as if she was shrugging the looming feeling of being cheated on off of her. "I mean look at Sam and Donna! They spent three weeks together and he just left, and now she's onto a new man!"

"YOUR man" Tonya jested her glass at Sabrina. 

"It's just her rebound. I wouldn't worry about it too much Sab, she won't get attached"

"But I'm already attached to him! And she was attached to Sam! She just left him, broke the attachment like that" She snapped her fingers. 

"I don't know, I don't think Donna would break the girl code."

"Wouldn't put it past her" Sabrina mumbled under her breath.

Sabrina tilted the glass a bit downward, taking a gulp of her drink as Bill stood, helping Donna out of her chair. 

"Get up, get up, get up" Tonya grabbed her arm, pulling her to her feet as the trio walked to the front side of the table as the couple came towards them.

"We're going around the bay for a bit," Donna told her friends with a large grin. Bill looked at her face, a smile growing on his face as well. This caused Sabrina's stomach to churn and twist in a way that made her feel like collapsing on the ground. 

"I'll catch up with you guys later right?" Donna asked them like it was a question. Whether or not she would even come back.

Sabrina didn't say anything, she only looked Donna, and then Bill, up and down. Rosie answered for her. "Of course! Have fun! On his boat. He's got a boat!"

The two walked away down the alleyway, Donna trailing Bill at his heel like an excited puppy. 

"He didn't say a word to me. What the fuck?" Sabrina fell back into Tonya's chair,  defeated. She sat down, watching her crush and her friend disappear into a crowd. 

"Excuse me! Can we get another round over here?" Tonya shouted inside of the bar, looking down at her friend. "Quickly!"

guys im hitting a writers block oh no. thanks for geTTING THIS TO 7K READS! You guys have no idea how much that means to me<3 anyways! continue to vote, comment, and share! 

also... do yall even ship Sabrina and Bill? or do Donna and Bill seem like a better match?

ANGEL EYES|| MAMMA MIAHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin