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NIGHT FELL QUICKLY ON THE OPEN SEA. Sabrina sat in the bedroom, writing in her notebook about the people she passed and the sights she saw this morning leaving France, about the ocean and the beautiful islands they had passed on the way to Kalokairi, and about the handsome hunk that picked her and Donna up. Though that may not be important if she ever published anything on her travels around the world.

Donna poked her head into the bedroom, smiling at her friend.

"I'm going to head to bed, think Bill's in the bathroom right now. But anyways," She shook her head "Goodnight Sab," She smiled and winked at her friend before leaving to go to bed.

She continued writing, flipping the page as Bill walked into the bedroom shirtless. Their eyes met and Sabrina quickly closed her notebook.

"I can sleep on the floor if you'd like. It is your bed," She told him, biting the inside of her lip.

"No, no, it's really fine. Would you want me to sleep on the floor?" He offered, gesturing to the small space on the other side of the bed. 

"No! It's hard wood! That would give hell to your neck," She put a hand on the back of her neck. "We'll just... share the bed. If that's alright with you,"

He smiled, lifting his hands up and letting them hit his sides again. "Fine with me,"

Sabrina put her legs under the few blankets as Bill came and sat next to her. He glanced at the leather notebook in her lap.

"You're a writer?"

"An aspiring journalist," She corrected him, picking up her notebook and holding it in her hands.

"Can I?" He asked, reaching a hand out for the open journal. She handed it to him and watched his face as he looked at the photos she's taken.

"Amsterdam? London?" He listed off the places she had been, getting further and further into the book.

"My grandmother wanted for me to see the world, so that's what I'm doing," She simply shrugged, watching as he silently read the pages.

He flipped to the page she wrote today, reading an excerpt.

"Summer 1979, We missed our ferry to Kalokairi and got on a random sailboat with a-"

Sabrina grabbed the journal from his hands, blushing furiously as Bill laughed at her.

"That's enough for tonight" She tucked it under her pillow, laughing off the embarrassment.

"Come on, just tell me what you got on the sailboat with,"

"Oh shut up," She lightly hit him with another pillow.

dot dot dot

"Sky! Come meet my backup girls!" Donna told him as she parked the car.

"Backup girls my ass!" Tonya and Rosie said, earning a chuckle from Donna.

"He's the leading man at tomorrows shindig,"

"The lucky man" He corrected her.

Sky introduced himself to Rosie and Tonya, giving them both hugs and smiles.

"Sabrina, it's so great to see you again!" He hugged the woman, and she grinned to him.

"You too Sky! I've missed this place" She looked up at the hotel.

"It's changed a lot, and all because of Donna!" He helped Donna get our bags out of the back of the car.

It took them awhile to make it up all of the stairs, but when they made it, Tonyas complaints and all, it was all worth it for who was at the top.

Sophie came out onto the balcony above them.
"Auntie Rosie!" She exclaimed, running downstairs to meet them.

"Look at Sophie, she's gotten so beautiful," Tonya told Donna, who responded with an "I know".

Sophie opened the door, rushing out to give hugs to all three of her Aunts.

"Sabrina! I've missed you so so much. It's felt like a century since you came for my birthday" Sophie hugged her aunt.

"I couldn't miss my little girls big day" She moved a piece of hair out of her face as she went to hug Tonya.

After getting led to their rooms, the four women spent some time catching up with each other day-drinking on a brightly colored couch.

"Oh my God! What am I doing? I've got a crack in my courtyard I have to fix," Donna said, attempting to stand up before Tonya pushed her back down. Tonya asked Donna something about a loan, only to get denied, as usual.

"I'm going to go talk to Sophie" Sabrina stood from her seat, chugging the rest of her champagne and setting the glass on the coffee table.

"Are we too borin' for you?" Rosie asked her.

"Oh no! Just want to speak with the bride!"

Sabrina left the hotel, walking the grounds with hopes of finding Sophie anywhere. As she passed the old goathouse it seemed as though she heard Sophie's voice speaking with someone. 

She entered the old wooden building, still hearing her voice above her. Something that sounded like  'I'm going to go, stay' came from the second floor. Sabrina walked towards the trap door in the floor and hesitated to open it. Quickly considering it, she had nothing to be afraid of. What could be hiding in the goathouse talking to Sophie that she should worry about?

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