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   THE PAIR OF GIRLS WALKED THROUGH THE FRENCH TOWN, ADMIRING THE ARCHITECTURE. "Have you seen anything more beautiful?" Sabrina asked her friend, looking at the scenery through her sunglasses. Donna shook her head, grinning as they arrived at a small hotel.

They weren't greeted by anyone by the door, nor anyone at the front desk after they walked inside. Donna rung the bell once and no response. They exchanged confused glances and Donna drifted behind the front desk, ringing it once more. The other girl tapping her fingers on the top of it as she looked left and right.

Donna's reached for a room key that was hung on the wall, looking back at her friend as if she was looking for a 'go-ahead'.

"Do it." Sabrina gave a small nod, lifting her sunglasses off her eyes and on the top of her head when a man bounded down the stairs in a robe. Donna immediately spun around, looking at him, raising an eyebrow at his odd attire. He stuttered in broken French and English about him being locked out of his room, his English accent slipping out in bits and pieces.

The girl behind the desk looked at the girl in front of it, not knowing what to say. 

"I'm sorry can you say that all again?" Donna asked with a raised brow, as a smirk appeared on her friend's lips.

dot dot dot

"Please explain to me why you agreed to us, collectively, to go out to lunch with this guy anyway?" Sabrina asked her friend, resting her elbows on the table. 

"He seemed nice" She unfolded her napkin and placed it on her lap. "And you really shouldn't trash talk people while they're in the restroom" 

"He's not even that dishy! I mean, the hair and his clothes are too tight-" Sabrina's insults were cut off by Donna's death glare after she spotted Harry walking towards the table from the bathroom.

 He sat down across from Donna as Sabrina shared a glance with her. He started having a conversation with Donna, ignoring the other girl at the table. Sabrina tuned out the conversation and read the menu. She was able to successfully ignore the conversation until Harry said something that grabbed her attention. 

"So when we spend the night together-" He said in his perfect little posh accent. Both girls chocked on their spit, surprised at what he just said. With wide eyes, both girls looked at each other, Sabrina struggling to hold in a burst of laughter. Before Donna could respond sweetly, Sabrina took the napkin from her lap and placed it on the table after doing the same with her menu. Standing she said "I have to use the ladies room" 

She shot a look of remorse to Donna behind her shoulder and pushed open the door to the restroom.

sorry yall. these chapters gon be short asf cause theres not much for me to write about lol. ALSO did anyone catch the throwback to the 2008 movie with the "dot, dot dot!" anyone? no? ok. that's how ill be doing like cuts/time skips. hope you like it!

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