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SABRINA BOUNDED DOWN THE DOCK, FISTS CLENCHED AT HER SIDES. "Explain what the fuck that is!" She exclaimed, startling the kissing couple at the end of the dock.

"Sabrina?" Donna questioned as the couple made space between them and Bill looked up at the orange clouded sky, feeling guilty.

"Sabrina? Yes, Sabrina!" The two girls were only two or three feet apart after Sabrina stepped forward. "But I'm not here to talk to you, I'll talk with you later-"

"No, I want to talk now, what's going on?"

"Don't act like you don't know Donna," She started sassily, already almost choking up with tears ready to flow down her cheeks.

"You knew I spent three weeks with him because I came back and raved about how amazing he was. You knew because you asked me how it was and I told you 'I don't kiss and tell' but I told you anyway and you're still here with him!" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"And I know that he is just some rebound from your affair with Sam!" Sabrina spoke with her hands, as she did with Sam earlier that day.

"Rebound?" Bill questioned, looking at Donna.

"You shut up, I have a few things I want to say to you" Steam was fuming out of her ears as she pointed a finger at the man.

"Donna, you knew I really, really liked him and you knew that I liked him and still went off with him. You broke the girl code, and I even called it at the bar yesterday!" Her voice cracked as her friend's face softened.


"Don't 'Sabrina' me," The girl paused, taking a deep breath. "Donna, you need to go" Her eyes brimmed with tears, looking into her friends blue ones. Donna gave a forgiving glance to Bill before sulking down the dock.

As soon as Sabrina couldn't hear her feet hitting the wood slats, she spoke. "Why? Just why?"

"You're going to let me explain?"

"I'm not unfair, like you."

"Sabrina listen, when I gave you both a ride here..." He paused, attempting to muster a word that wouldn't make him seem like an ass. "She led me on"

"Don't bring her into this. Don't act like this is Donnas fault, you know you made that decisions invite her on your boat"

"I...I don't know what to say, Sabrina"

"Of course you don't," She let out a bitter laugh, looking up as a tear fell down her cheek. "You don't know what to say because she didn't lead you on, you lead me on"

"I didn't know that I'd ever see you again, I figured I wouldn't. That we had a fun fling and it was over"

"It was over so then you could fuck my friend and leave me here, on this island to watch you take her with you"

"You don't have to be so vulgar" He almost rolled his blue eyes.

"I think I have the right"

Neither spoke for a moment, watching each other. Both were almost scared of what the other one would say. 

"You were my favorite, Bill" Sabrina started in a soft tone.


"I've been traveling through Europe this entire summer. Every day seeing or talking to some... tan, accented, funny guy cuter than the last. And out of all of them, you were my favorite. You are my type"

"I figured I wouldn't see you again"

"I'd be better off without seeing you again" She raised her voice.

"I really think you would. Keep traveling and maybe you'll meet a guy who's as clingy as you are" He shot back, matching his tone with hers. 

"As clingy as I am? So getting mad that you slept with my friend is me being clingy?!" 

"We aren't together!" 

As soon as he shouted those words, he almost immediately regretted them. Bill's face was still as stone, Sabrina's with tears rolling down her face and down onto her neck. 

"We were never together, Sabrina" His voice fell to a low whisper as he glanced at the floor of the dock.

She shook her head, glaring at the man in front of her. 

"You're a fucking asshole" Sabrina spat, turning on her heel and quickly walking down the dock. 

"Sabrina, wait!"

"I hope your boat sinks!" She shouted,  sticking her middle finger in the air.

holy shoooooot yall we're already at 12k????? thats wild

anyways, hope youre all happy with the sabrina/bill drama in this chapter. 

do you guys want me to do a "cutscene" chapter about the three weeks? cause ill do it

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