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SABRINA SAT ON THE BACK OF THE BOAT, TAKING PHOTOS OF THE DOCK GETTING SMALLER AND SMALLER. She could hear Donna and Bill flirting with each other but she really didn't care to watch that. On the dock, there stood a young man with a guitar case on his back. She snapped a photo of him, not knowing who it was.

Donna and Bill went down below the deck, probably going to do something that Sabrina didn't even want to imagine. Then again, Donna hooked up with a guy last night. She stood, letting the camera fall to her waist as she grabbed a silver railing and walking around the deck.


Glancing around, Sabrina tried to look to the source of the sound.


She found a man with a growing beard and jorts standing in a small blue boat a few yards away. Sabrina held a finger up to the man, rushing downstairs to find Bill.

Donna and Bill stood there, his arms around her and they looked as if they were about to kiss. Donna looked at her friend, not moving at all as Bill mimicked her actions.

"Um, there's a guy out there asking for help"

"I didn't hear anything," Bill said, turning back to Donna.


Sabrina glared at Bill as Donna tore away from his grasp and ran upstairs. Bill smiled at Sabrina, which immediately brought a smile to her face. They both headed to the deck to find Donna talking to the man in the boat.

"My engine is broken and the love of my life, Valencia, is going to marry rich, ugly man with big beard and mole!"

"Well, I will radio someone for help," Bill quickly responded, obviously not wanting to help him. Sabrina grabbed his forearm, pulling him away from the staircase.

"We're helping," She told him in a firm tone, as he looked back at the man in the boat.

They tied his small boat to the back of Bill's sailboat and they made their way to where Alexio, as they learned his name was, said his love was going to get married. Low and behold, they arrived near a dock with a pretty young woman in a wedding dress near men in black suits.

"Valencia!" He shouted, jumping into the water as he attempted to swim towards the dock, continuously shouting her name.

"Alexio?" The woman questioned from the dock, watching her true love in the water.

"He just took a big gulp of water but the point is that he loves you!" Bill shouted to the bride, who couldn't understand him.

"He loves you!" Sabrina shouted to her, throwing her hands in the air with a grin.

Bill looked at the girl, watching her expressions as she laughed at the sight of the bride running down the dock and jumping in the water. The pair of girls he picked up were quite pretty, and now, he felt a bit bad for trying to get with her friend when Sabrina was just on the floor above them.

The lovers were in the water, and both of their heads disappeared under.

"I don't think they can swim," Sabrina said not to anyone in particular. But Bill nodded his head and took off his shirt before diving into the water after the couple. Donna and Sabrina giggled like schoolgirls as they watched Bill play lifeguard.

"I'll take the bed tonight," Donna said to her friend.

"Why? He's onto you Dee," Sabrina furrowed her eyebrows, although she wasn't exactly upset.

"You know the two types of seducers?" She asked, and Sabrina nodded. "He's more of the 'fall in love with someone and fall out of it when he wakes up' one, and also he's your type" She playfully shoved her shoulder.

Sabrina sighed, smiling as pink painted her cheeks.

"Guess you'll get the bed,"

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