Diamond In The Rough

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Diamond in the Rough

I am not the best friend of Chase.

Well, not right now, I’m not.

See, we’re in the high school cafeteria. Just at opposite ends.

I’m sitting alone in the back with a sketchbook and a pencil in hand. Chase is sitting in the front with his girlfriend, Jemma, in hand. I’m sketching them make out. Hopefully I didn’t sound too creepy.

They’ve been dating a full two weeks now-a new record. Chase usually hangs onto girls for four days tops, then ditches them like last weeks newspaper. Now, the only reason I’m sitting in the back is because Jemma hates me. You would think just from the glares and stuff she gives me but no-she full out told me straight to my face. In front of Chase.

Did he give a fuck?


That’s why I’m alone, looking like some creep, sketching my best friend and his hating girlfriend.

Hey, haters gonna hate.

On the brighter side, I’m deciding on when I’m going to tell Chase I’ve been in love with him since sophomore year. We’re both seniors now, and I think it’s finally time he’s known. I mean, I’m not afraid or embarrassed to tell him. We tell each other everything. I’m not afraid to come out with my feelings and I don’t want to hold it in anymore. I’m just afraid of that damn Jemma clawing my face off.

I’m pretty strong, but Jemma is a cheerleader. Captain of the volleyball team. On the soccer team. And on the girls basketball team.

She’s a bitch 24/7, and somehow she manages to still look like Megan Fox.

You’d think I’m done, but I’m not.

Jemma’s mom teaches the cheerleaders and is an History teacher. Jemma is in honors orchestra and plays the violin. She’s always in the school plays. She was voted prom queen and danced like a gazelle through the whole damn prom. With Chase. My best friend.

And all she wants is me out of the picture.

Sorry honey, looks like for the first time in your life, you’re not getting what you want.



Diamond. My nickname, which, should really just be my new name. My real name is Gem Belle, but Chase calls me Diamond because my eyes are sparkly and clear, like diamonds. I’m currently on my bed, flipping through some dorky magazine that my sister left in here. I’ve been ignoring Chase for a week now, and because I’m so awesome, Chase can’t live without me. Hence him pounding on my door and demanding that I open it.

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