Meeting his parents

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You stared into your closet hoping to find something sophisticated yet elegant to wear. You were so stressed for a dinner with Tom's parents.

you put on a casual red dress with golden lace hem at the neckline and bottom. after that, you put on a bit of simple makeup and curled your hair and put it into a bun. 

Tom walked into your room. his eyes widened "Wow you look beautiful" he smiled. "Thanks, " You blushed "My parents will love you" he assured petting our hair. "Y-you sure?" You asked, worried. "Of course! Just be yourself.

"You smiled at your caring boyfriend before getting into the car.

-----------when you arrive------- 

You were fiddling with your gold lace. Tom noticed, knowing you did that when you were nervous. "you'll be fine love" He held your hand tightly. before leading you to the house.

the door flew open with to smiling faces. Dom shook your hand and Nicola pulled you in for a hug. "its a pleasure to meet you!" Dom said gesturing for you to come inside.

You took a seat at the dining table next to tom. Sam and Harry were chatting. you looked over at the bowl of spaghetti on the table. 

Dom and Nikki sat across from you. "thanks so much for coming Y/N" Nicola smiled "thanks for having me, its a pleasure to meet you." you said back

"so what do you like to do for fun Y/N?" Nikki asked "well I do a lot of art. I've also been playing the guitar a bit. I also love basketball, played it a lot when I was younger."

"Oh, that's fun!" Dom smiled at you "I used to play basketball when I was younger. did you play in a team?" you nodded at him. "what do you do for work?" Dom added. "well I work as a marine biologist," you said. 

your nails were digging into your palm. you were so stressed they wouldn't like you.

"I see" Dom replied "that's a nice job? guessing you love animals?" "yes, very much. ever since I was a kid," you answered.

Harry and Sam were avoiding looking at you. wrapped up in their food and own converse.

"so where did you live before you went to live with tom?" Nikki asked you. "well I used to live in Y/FS. It was really warm there and I always swam in my pool." You smiled thinking about your old house.

"well, let's eat!" Dom laughed to cut the obvious awkwardness in the air.

After a delicious dinner, you and tom left his parents house. "thanks for coming Y/N!" Nikki yelled out the door "feel free to eat with us another time."  "Thank you!" you waved walking into the night.

 "Told you they'd love you Y/N" Tom kissed your cheek "I'm glad" you sighed in relief letting your nails dig out of your hand.

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