Video games

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You and tom sat on the Sofa, you guys had just got a new game called "fortnite battle royal" On the Console. you picked up your controller and stared at the screen. Tom scrolled through the diffrent option menu's "looks like there is a thing called V-Bucks? wanna get some?" He asked you. "Ya sure I guess" You shruged. So tom purchused some V-bucks

Tom looked through some of the different skins you could buy "OH I WANT THAT ONE!" you said pointing at The Valor skin. you had Tom chose the skin for you and looked for one for him self. "this one looks pretty awesome" He smiled and bought the Raven skin. once you were finished choosing you guys pressed PLAY.

the game started in a bus with an air ballon on top? and tom jumped off the bus and rocketed toward the ground, once you got to close your avatar pulled out glider and stood on top of a building. an pickaxe appeared in your hand and you smashed the building roof, falling inside.

Inside was a pump shot gun on the floor and 10 things of amo. "sweet!" you cheer as tom looks over at you, "its just a common gun...its not even that good"Tom says"well at least I have a weapon" you smirk at him for being unarmed. he rolls his eyes and turns back to the game.

Time passes "STORM EYE SHRINKING" appears on the top of the screen you bust open a glowing wooden chest. You pick up a port-a-fort and a rare gun. you look over at tom's screen, he has a few uncommon guns and 1 rare. before you can pass a sassy remark to your boyfriend another player comes out of nowhere and starts shooting at you. "OH NO YOU DIDN'T BITCH!" You yell and pull out your best gun.

After shooting almost all your amo at the other player, the guy feel to the ground. His stuff scattered across the road. Score! He had a legendary gun at tons of other useful items.

There were 2 people left in the and Tom. It was solo and you were determined to get first place. "Sorry babe, but your going down" you punch him in the arm lovingly. "I'd like to see you try." He laughed. Meet me at weeping woods. So you both open your maps and head to the area. You waited in the middle, traps set around the edges.

Tom entered the woods. You pulled out your legendary snipper and targeted his avatars head. BAM you pulled the trigger many times and he fell to the floor. "I WIN! I WIN, I WIN!!!" You shout while dancing around the couch.

Tom smiled at your happiness. The Fortnite avatar started dancing . Tom kissed your cheek, "you are pretty good at winning"

(TBH fortnite sucks and I hate it)

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