Beach Day

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It was a hot summer day, you and Tom had decided to take a break and run away from stress. so you guys were at a vacation in Hawaii. The sun shined in through the window. birds chirped outside. Hawaii was so beautiful! You and Tom walked down to the beach next to your hotel bare footed. 

The warm sand hit your feet as you walked along the beach, holding Tom's hand. You and Tom combed the beach for seashells, going seperate directions "HEY BABE COME HERE! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Tom yelled from in the shallow waters. You run over to see what he had found and he pulled a beautiful conch shell out from the water. 

He slipped it into his pocket and the two of you kept looking. "Tom over here!" You told your boyfriend. He walks over to you to see what had happened and you wave a complete, unbroken sand dollar in his face. "I'm rich!" You joke as making him laugh.

Tom goes deeper into the water so its up to his knee's "hey come here I found something" He tells you. So you wade over there and look around. "What did you find?" You ask him curiously. "just bout you take a closer look" He laughs before pushing you into it.

Your shorts and shirt were both soaked. The two of you started a huge water fight splashing each other and dragging one another into the sea. You climbed on top of him pushing him onto the rocky sand. "OK OK YOU WIN!" 

you got up and strike a victory pose. "I'm here to claim my prize now" you smile smuggly 'prize? what priz-" you cut him off with a kiss. "That was my prize" You smiled at him "And what would have been my prize?" He asked "The exact same thing" you laughed as you guys walked back to the hotel.

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