A cup of Jealousy

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you and Tom had decided to go to starbucks for some coffee.  You walked into the coffee shop, your fingers intertwined with Tom's, and stood in line. when you guys got to the counter you realized how HOT the barista was. your mouth was agape at his good looks, which the man noticed giving you a wink.

(*author cringes*)

Tom glared at the guy but you ignored your boyfriend and stared at him while he helped people with their orders. "What can I get you." He asked. His voice was soothing and sweet. "I'll get a black coffee," Tom says.

 The barista chuckles slightly. "And for you darling?" The Barista said giving you a wink. You blushed like crazy. Tom gave him the death stare. "I will have a double chocolate iced mocha frappe, medium." you smile at him. "Coming right up" he flashed you a smile and walked off to go make the coffee.

"Why did you do that Tom? It's rude to stare at people like that! especially if they are doing you favors and making you coffee." Tom rolled his eyes. "It's clear he was flirting with you Y/N! and your mine, just remember that" you kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "I will always be yours, how could I forget that?" he holds your hand lovingly and you go sit at a table.

Soon the barista walks up to you and Tom. "specially delivery for a beautiful lady." He winks at you again and sets the coffee's on the table. Tom groans and you smile at him polietly.  The barista flirts with you some more before Tom finally snaps. "OK Mister I'm sorry but thats my girlfriend, and I dont appreciate you talking to her like that!" Tom says to him angrily "Got it dude, chill" The barista says backing away and going back to his job.

Once you and Tom finish your coffee's you leave the store. You lay your head on Tom's shoulder. "Jealous Tommy is cute"

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