Maiden 11*

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July sat outside at a table, her hands working with strands of fabric. Her lips were twisted in concentration, it had been a week since Mikl had made his confession to me, and the time had only served to mire me further and further under guilt. Every time I thought to confess, I found my lips closing.

Walking over to my dear friend, I felt it a weakness of my own that I should not reveal. And yet, I sat near my friend my eyes watching the field where Sun talked to a few of the men. She'd eagerly joined them in exploring this planet. She was joined by the Twins, Brend and Stacia.

"Aria," July said my name in greeting as she settled her fibers aside. "I thought you were going to library with Leona."

"I had wished to, but there is something I wished to ask you."

Her eyes darkened with worry, and she reached to me her hands taking mine. "Speak, there is nothing I would not do for you."

In a bid to stall, I looked at her fibers, "Luekas has brought you more wool?"

She blinked, looking at the fibers before she softly smiled a comtemplative look entering her eyes. "Yes, he's been most kind to me...I believe he is the more astute of the men here."

Seeing such a look on July's face, brought a tightness to my heart. "...You have chosen him."

"What?" she jerked her head towards me, before her eyes lowered and her cheeks heat. "I, I am not sure yet."

I looked away from her, and lifted my eyes to the sky. "...I did not believe I would succeed." I whispered.


I shook my head, turning my sad gaze to hers. "Truly, I knew my purpose and that my time would be short. I have always believed that my death would be the true end. With my demise, all you would be free to die and live as you choose. To keep your children by your side, and I would be a fond memory."

Closing my eyes, I pictured the future that had been cursed to rest on my shoulders. " Now, there is an impossible future before me and I don't know what to do." Opening my eyes faced July, a sad smile on my lips, "I don't know if I should forget my past, and my fears and take a hold of the shaky future before us. While I would never demand sacrifice of you, or the me, living is far more scary."

July listened to me patiently, before she leaned in and asked me, her eyes hard demanding the truth from me. "Tell me what it is that has brought you this fear, my sister?"

"I carry the child of the Prince, and I do not know if I should tell Mikl this." I blurted out at a low volume.

Her gasp of shock I felt to my core. Her eyes wide stared at me, her hands having flown to her mouth. "Aria?" She shook her head, as tears came to her eyes. "No!? It is not possible, Calvaiuns cannot—," " – Procreate." I shook my head, swallowing back my own tears. "It was lie. Everything has been a lie since the beginning."

I chuckled, blinking hard and turning my eyes away from her open look of pain and shock. I would not cry before her, even as I knew I could. I was the leader, the one who held strength. Lifting my chin, I hardened myself. "I must decide if I will tell Mikl this, or let it rest. Our lives here need not be affected by those who kept us in captivity."

"You must not tell him!" July cried, her hands once again holding mine. Tears tracked her cheeks, but her eyes were clear and filled with determination. "If he knows, he will be forced to choose to between his fealty to his king, and you. I cannot, will not let you put yourself in such a place." She shook her head hard, her hair flying. "We are finally free, no matter the child's father you must live this life...and not within your own desire for the easy way, which is death."

Maiden 10 {BWWM}#wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now