Maiden 6*

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A/N: I thought for a moment that your all would be sick of Sci-fi fantasy, but don't worry. I'll be getting back to some of my fantasy stories and a new highland tale will return. 

Chapter Six


I bit my lip, he'd known what I was up to from the beginning.

Glancing at the faces of his men, I knew this wasn't the place to have this conversation. So, instead of answering his question I asked. "Can we speak...privately?"

He nodded, lifting his arm he pointed to right, and gave a slight bow of the head implying I should go first.

Following his direction, we left the main hall way.

Arriving to what looked like a wall, I waited for him to open the door. Entering, I was immediately assailed by the hot scent of flowers. He brought me to a sanatorium.

"Here we cultivate our food, and plants from our home world till we can plant them on this planet's surface."

I nodded, following the branches of a large tree, it's red bark a fascinating contrast to the purple leaves that swayed back and forth above. The heat was pleasant, my legs felt the occasional breeze. Somehow, I'd forgotten how little I wore, unaccustomed to the shortness of the shirt I wore I pulled at the edges. Turning I faced him.

"You said mate, did you mean what it is I think?"

He gave me a measured stare, his gaze unreadable. I lowered my gaze, my expression turning thoughtful as I sought the references of mate. " A mate is a...wife, lover someone you couple with to create a family. You and your men desire us to become this?"

He titled his head, "...Yes, and no."

"That isn't an answer," I snapped angrily, I hadn't brought my friends and people here only for them to be used by another race. "You either wish it, or do not! You would take them as your mates with out their ascent."

"No, no men here would do such thing!" he growled lowly, giving me view of the real Dah Mikl. As he uncrossed his arms. "No men under my command would treat women in such a way."

"Then how do you propose for it to happen," I demanded, not wilting at the site of his temper. "None of the women with me know of men or have ever mated in a since with a partner. All of our lives we've been groomed to think ourselves as mere vessels and to remain pure. The act of barbarism goes against our very teachings, only I –," I pressed my lips together, catching myself before I confessed anything.

Swallowing, I forced that horrible memory down and continued hoping he hadn't caught my slip of tongue. "It will be hard enough for them to adjust to no longer having to live such an existence, but now you intend to have your man panting after them." I shook my head, "It wouldn't be fair, they would feel wrong denying a savior, and that guilt could push them to say yes when they do not mean it."

He grumbled something under his breath before he finally said, "They wouldn't be forced, we would hold a Eucrin festival, they would choose their partner."

Unfamiliar with the term, I repeated it, "Eucrin? What is this?"

He sighed, resting his hands on his hips. "On kalabri, all men go to the ancient Parthenon to have their mate choose them. Women come and give their decorated scarf to the male that draw them. It is the female who selects her partner, not the men."

Confused, I nodded, "Then why do you not do this on your planet? Why must we be a part of this Eucrin festival?"

His expression darkened, and he turned them away from me. A distant look came over him, as he shook his head. "As you know me, and my men are of mixed heritage. Those on Calabri do not wish for us to muddy the blood on their planet, and our king has denied us the right to choose a mate...they would rather us age and die off."

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