Double Date?

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*Third Person Point of View*

After the whole ordeal that happened with the ND Blaine and Sebastian wouldn't let Penelope and Kurt go out by themselves. 

Penelope didn't mind but Kurt did. He wanted to be able to go out with his Bestfriend without having to worry for his tormentors.

But his sadness was turned into joy when Sebastian announced they were having a double date with Penelope and Blaine.

*Kurt's Person Point of View*

We were in warbler practice and I was beyond happy. Sebastian and I got to sing together as a duet. Penelope and Blaine managed to convince the council, and I was beyond joyful when I figured out. 

Nick managed to get to get a solo featuring Sebastian. I was happy for Nick he deserved it. You may be wondering why I wasn't jealous and it's simple. I trusted Sebastian enough to feel happy instead of jealous. 

Penelope taught me that and I will forever be grateful. 

Anyways Sebastian and I were in the front practicing to the song called They Don't Know About Us by One Direction. "They Don't Know About Us" I sang the last line of the song.

Everyone clapped as they congratulated our singing. "Good job Kurt and Sebastian I knew you guys would be perfect for the song!!" Penelope praised as she hugged Seb and I.

"Yeah I'm so proud of you guys." Blaine said as we let go of each other. I just looked down bashfully as the people surrounded me awed at the pink tint in my cheeks.

Blaine led Penelope and I to a couch as Sebastian pulled me to a loveseat. "Blaine and I were wondering if you guys wanted to go on a double date?" Sebastian asked nervously.

"Oooh yes!!! Finally we get to have a date night!!" Penelope screamed as she danced around the room happily. 

I just nodded and hugged Sebastian towards me. He then bought me closer as he dragged me towards the dorm room.

*Third Person Point of View*

Kurt and Penelope decided to get dressed together so they could plan the outfits. Kurt had clothes for many occasions in Penelope's room because that was his hanging out place to relax.

Currently Kurt and Penelope were freaking out because the boys told them to dress ' Warmly' like what was that supposed to mean?!

Where were they going to get dressed warmly? Not to a picnic as wished obviously but they didn't mind as long as they got time with their guys.

Meanwhile, Blaine and Sebastian were chilling in seb's dorm waiting until the appropriate time to change. 

"Don't you get upset when people bring down Kurt? I mean he's like a little brother to me and I honestly can't imagine what you're going through as a boyfriend." Blaine questioned Sebastian

"Honestly dude it doesn't upset me it makes me more frustrated and sad that they can't see how amazing he is. He is a ray of sunshine and is filled with love, yet many people only care that he is gay and start judging. I honestly hate that it breaks my heart seeing him upset dude." Sebastian said with a huge frown on his face

Blaine smiled as he sent the recording to Kurt with the caption 'see he does love you stop being so sad Kurt.' Kurt smiles as he finally relaxes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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