Penn and Kurt

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(Pretend that this is Kurt and Penelope)

*Kurt's Point of View*

Wow, ok this is really happening. I pinched myself to make sure.

 As I realized that this wasn't a dream, but real life a huge smile broke out on my face. I couldn't believe it Penelope and Blaine actually cared enough to go through with this. This happened too fast. I mean we met and connected and BAM I now go to Dalton Academy.

 But once I met Penelope's gave I felt close to her, probably how a son felt like with a mother. She was kind, beautiful, motherly, an amazing singer, and an amazing person. Blaine was kind, firm, protective of Penelope and I, handsome, and I looked up to him.

I may find Blaine attractive but I do ship Plaine. 

I laughed at my thoughts as I met with Penelope and Blaine at her dorm. I admired her dorm and took it in. It was a gorgeous room and it suited her really well. Then I looked into the wall where her closet was and laughter escaped my lips. 

Blaine and Penelope looked up with an awestruck face. They looked at me with so much adoration that it kind off freaked me out. 

"What is there something up with my face or...?" I said nervously as I headed to her mirror.

"No it's just your face was so precious" she cooed at me. I blushed as she said this but what Blaine said grasped my attention. "I even got it on picture." he said with a sly smirk. 

"No don't I probably look ugly and like a fag anyways. It doesn't deserve to go on Penelope's wall." I sighed sadly as I looked at the picture. 

"Who the heck said that it was ugly? That picture is absolutely amazing!! I'm not putting it on my wall I'm framing it and putting it besides Blaine's picture." Penelope exclaimed. That warmed my heart and I beamed at her.

We headed outside towards the cafeteria. We ordered coffee except for Penn she ordered.....Apple juice.

Penn and I were messing around with each other and we soon heard a click. (Picture from above) We turned and saw Blaine with a camera. Penn and I turned beet red and let go of each other.

He laughed and cooed and showed us how cute we looked. We heard awe's and the three of us turned. We saw that we have gathered quite the crowd. 

I blushed as Penn hugged me to try to calm me. Blaine just smiled as we left.

We went to all of our classes and luckily Penn, Blaine, and I all had the same classes. I got to admit the classes were a bit hard especially physics and calculus. But Penelope seemed to already know everything.

"Did you know that if you were to be traveling at a high velocity, let's say mach 1 you would be able to create heat. Well if I were to shoot you with a cold gun that had the temperature of absolute zero, I would be able to balance you out or harm you, because cold and high velocities don't go together." Penn rambled into my ear.

"...... The slow velocity makes molecules stick together and not move which makes temperatures reach absolute zero. But if you were to travel at mach one the high velocity wold reach high temperatures. That's why they balance themselves out." Penn stopped her rambling to look at me.

"Where did you learn all this?" I said confused. "Well I learned from the best." she said with a smile. "Who?" I said curiosity getting the best of me. "The Flash of course. I learned this from last nights episode, where they introduced Captain Cold." she said

I laughed at her dorkiness levels and shook my head. She saw me and she started to beam I guess she thought it was her mission to make me feel happy.

By the end of the day Blaine and Penn were dragging me to Warbler practice so I could audition. Penn introduced me as I started to sing. I sang 'count on me by Bruno Mars' and throughout the whole song I was looking at Penn and Blaine.

The Warblers accepted me and everyone accepted me like family. I felt truly happy; for once in my life I felt like things were okay. I guess Blaine noticed my face fall because he made an excuse to the team. 

"Hey I think Penny, Kiwi, and I should head to the dorm. We needed to talk about somethings and it's important." Blaine said while talking to Penn mentally, I swear they are super creepy.

We were excused and we headed to Penn's dorm room. " Okay I already know what's up but I wanted to say a few words to you." Blaine said

"I met you and I instantly knew you were important. You are adorable, kind, generous, the best little brother anyone can ever wish for, handsome, best fashion sense out there, and I'd continue but we'd never finish. What I wanted to say was that you shouldn't change for anyone because we love you for who you are." Blaine said as a tear fell from my eye

"Kurt I adore and love you so much. You are really important to me and I can't lose you because you think you aren't worthy of me. You deserve us because you are extraordinary Kurt. Don't change who you are because a jealous prick says to. If you do then you will lose the war." Penn said 

I broke down as I remembered what my 'friends' have said to me. I felt happy and for once nobody will ruin what I have. Nobody, because this time I had Penn and Blaine at my side.

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