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*Third Person Point of View*

"My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child, I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. 

Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world I am an ordinary forensic scientist , but I use my speed to find other metahumans like me. 

And one day, I'll find who killed my mother and get justice for my father. I am The Flash."

Penelope awoke with a start as she heard her alarm clock, but something held her to the bed. She turned and saw that Blaine had an arm wrapped around her torso and another by her face. She looked towards her feet and saw Kurt laying on her feet.

She let out her angelic giggle and that soon awoke the boys. The boys had smiles on their faces as they heard her giggle. She quickly told them to change as she went to change herself. 

She threw on her uniform and grabbed her backpack, Phone, and keys on the way out. The keys were for her room, Kurt's room, and Blaine's room. She then headed to the cafeteria, but was soon stopped by someone. 

"Hello I am Sebastian Smythe and I am new here, I was wondering if you would show me around?" He said as he stumbled out his words. 

"Hello Sebastian I am Penelope Clearwater and I have two bestfriends by the names Kurt and Blaine. I would love for you to hang out with us. Do you need to drop off anything in your dorm?" questioned Penelope with her million dollar smile. 

Sebastian shook his head as he analysed her. She kind of looked like his mom, well before she died in a freak accident. She was beautiful and already felt protective over the young angel. 

Penelope turned and analysed him. "AAAAHHHHH!!" Penelope shrieked in excitement. Boys stopped and looked for possible threats but all Penelope did was hug Seb. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like Barry Allen from The Flash? It's so cool I've always dreamed of meeting Grant but I guess his doppelgänger is the next best thing." Penelope said with excitement.

"Actually I do know Grant, he has been a friend of mine after someone mentioned me to him. I've actually been to the set where it took place." Seb said with a smile on his face.

"Ahhh that's so cool!! You're so lucky I wish I could meet him." Penelope said with a longing look on her face.

Sebastian then started brainstorming. What if he invited Grant to sectionals? Grant was in Westerville afterall. He smirked as he came up with the plan. 

Penelope then dragged him where he figured was the cafeteria. They stopped at a table with two boys opposite each other. At the sound of them approaching they beamed at Penelope and smiled warmly and Sebastian.

 " Hey guys this is Sebastian and doesn't he look like Barry Allen!?I was freaking out when he approached me."  Penelope said excitedly as she sat with Blaine.

Kurt stared in awe at what was in front of him. He was waaayyy better looking than Blaine, but unfortunately nobody would want a guy like Kurt and that hurt him. Sebastian looked at everyone and lingered his gaze on Kurt the longest. 

Penelope and Blaine seeing this started smiling cheekily at each other, but Sebastian and Kurt were too busy eye raping each other. 

Sebastian was at lost for words. He only could focus on Kurt as he admired him. What stood out was his beautiful blue sea eyes. Sebastian smirked and he decided to be cheeky, and hoped that Kurt understood his feelings.

When Sebastian sat down he scooted his chair closer to Kurt, making Kurt blush. They all were making conversation making the people around them envious of their friendship. Kurt then felt something and looked down. 

Sebastian placed his hand on his upper thigh. Kurt's breath hitched as Sebastian started trailing upwards. As he got nea his area he became flustered. Sebastian smirked at him, winked, and lowered his hand, so now it rested on the flustered boy's knee.

*Time Skip to Sectionals.*

Sebastian and Kurt fell for each other and the same goes for Penelope and Blaine, but they were to scared to confess. They didn't want to get rejected and ruin the friendship that they had.

When they got the auditorium they noticed the New Directions glaring at Kurt. " How dare he be friends with those beautiful creatures?" Rachel exclaimed to the group. 

They all agreed as they made plans to embarrass the said Warbler. What they didn't know was that he had two protective bestfriends and a boy who loved him to defend him if needed. They never left his side especially with them.

Penelope scanned the crowd and screamed in Sebastian's ear. She ran full speed leaving her two friends confused, and a smirking Sebastian behind. She reached her destination with Sebastian hot on her trail. 

"Oh my goodness it's a honour meeting you Grant. I admire you and your character so much. Why are you here? Are you secretly Sebastian's brother?" Penelope rambled to Grant while Sebastian just laughed.

"Hello Penelope, actually Sebastian here invited me so you could see me. He said you were a big fan, but he didn't mention how beautiful you are." Grant complimented her

Penelope smiled with a blush on her cheeks. "Can I hug you? I mean I get if you don't want to it may be really weird after all-----" Penelope was cut short after Grant gave her a massive bear hug. 

She shrieked as she was really close to her idol. Blaine sat there arms crosses, with a frown on his beautiful features. Kurt noticed as he smirked at Blaine. HE mouthed ' I ship Purt!!' Blaine just looked to the ground sheepishly. 

Grant let go as they were called to the stage. They first preformed 'Candles' with Kurt and Sebastian as the leads, Then Blaine and Penelope sang raise your glass, and lastly Penelope had a solo. She sang 'Running Home to You ' by Grant Gustin. Everyone stared at her in awe, she sang beautifully so it was quite obvious she was going to catch everyone's attention. 

Everyone gave her a standing ovation as Grant smiled at her. The last group preformed and then everyone was called upstage. 

"In third place we have New direction" the voiceman said. They looked disappointed, so Penelope decided to be nice. " Don't worry you guy's were amazing I'm sure you'll do better next time." Penelope said as she gave them hugs.

She then left the starstruck group staring at her in awe. "Second place we have Vocal Adrenaline" The presenter said. We congratulated them as they headed off the stage. 

"And the winners are THE DALTON ACADEMY WARBLER!" the presenter exclaimed as he handed them the trophy. They huddled in a group and congratulated each other on their win. Soon they were called off the stage as someone was supposed to make a speech.

Grant Gustin walked to the stage with many people, mostly girls, looked at him with lust. He brushed them off as he headed to the stage.

"Hello everyone I am Grant Gustin not Sebastian Smythe. He is my doppelgänger which is extremely cool by the way. I am here to congratulate The Warblers on their win and to call Miss Penelope Clearwater to the stage." He said into the mic. 

Penelope headed to the stage as she left people looking at her starstruck. She joined him and beamed at him with her gorgeous smile of hers. He felt weak but brushed it off, as he knew she loved Blaine.

"Sebastian told me It was your dream to sing with me, and I am here to accept that and make it a reality." Grant said. Penelope smiled wider as she was handed  her own mic. 

They sang Collar Full by Panic! at The Disco, as they sang people got mesmerised. She sang so beautifully that people actually cried. Penelope got confused as it was an upbeat song but she let it slide.

Once they were done people cheered them on, and soon Grant gave Penelope a rose.

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