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*Kurt's Point of View*

It's been weeks since sectionals and Grant and Penelope talked everyday. Blaine was obviously mad, because he loved her. I found them cute and so did Sebastian. We came up with a shipname. It was Plaine. 

Penelope had confessed to us on how she loved Blaine but was to scared to admit. Sebastian and I had a field day. We never thought she would tell us. we already knew Blaine loved and adored Penelope, now all that we needed was to get them on a date.

It wasn't going to be that hard, since both Penelope and Blaine would love to date each other. But Sebastian and I wanted to come up with a prefect date.

I wish I would go on a date with Sebastian. I mean he was so handsome and talented. I even came up with a shipname for us. It would be Kurtbastian. It sounded so perfectc to me, but unfortunately it would never happen.

I had to admit I was in love with Sebastian, but the thing is Sebastian didn't like me. He obviously had a thing for Blaine and it was clear as water. 

I was all sad and mopey. How could I love people that were too good for me. Obviously I was ugly, talentless, and annoying. Well that's what my 'friends' said when I confessed I liked a guy. I

I walked to the cafeteria and sat next to Sebastian, as I put my head on the table. Sebastian questioned me but I just said that I was tired. He didn't look convinced but he let it slide. Penelope and Blaine came, and they were smirking at Sebastian. 

He looked down sheepishly. Huh what happened? Were they laughing about me? Well obviously they were, I mean I was nothing compared to them. I closed my eyes as tears threatened to fall. Once I calmed down I opened my eyes and yawned to make it seem like I took a nap. 

Sebastian smiled at me and he led me to the choir room.  Blaine and Penelope following close behind with huge smiles on their faces. We got there and soon Sebastian started to sing.  I was mesmerised, but I soon noticed he was singing to me. 

I blushed and looked at the floor. He came up to me and started dancing around me with a smile on his face. Once he was done he asked me the words I wanted to hear. 

"Kurt I really like you and I was wondering if you would want to go out with me." Sebastian stuttered shyly. 

I only had the courage to nod as he hugged me. Cheers broke out throughout the choir room as they hugged. Soon everyone went to their dorms. Luckily Sebastian and I shared a dorm. ;)

*Third Person Point of View*

Once Kurt and Sebastian got to their dorm they sat on the bed as Kurt snuggled into his partner. Sebastian felt his shirt get damp and Kurt slightly shaking.

" Hey hey hey what's wrong Kurt are you okay." Sebastian asked worried for his boyfrind's feelings.

"Why are you doing this." Kurt managed to say quietly.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian questioned " This why did you ask me out? Is this some cruel joke." Kurt said with hurt and doubt in his voice.

"What why would I do that? Kurt I have loved you since I laid my eyes on you. You are absolutely breathtaking and I wouldn't trade anything to have you. I didn't believe in love at first sight. I thought it was stupid and unrealistic. That was until I met you. Kurt I love and I always will. I promise." Sebastian said with so much emotion.

" No you don't love me. Nobody will ever love me because I'm ugly, untalented, and annoying. I don't--" Kurt was cut off when Sebastian pulled him into a hug.

"Who told you those lies? First of all you are handsome, stunning, overall a god made you. You are the most talented person I know. You're voice is stunning and I could honestly listen to it all day. You aren't annoying, you are actually really entertaining. I do love you and only you. I love the way you are." Sebastian said as he said that.

A few tears fell down both of their faces as they stared at each other. Sebastian pulled Kurt into his arms as he comforted him. Sebastian tried to be strong for the both of them. 

"I know what you feel like. I didn't want to ask you out because I was afraid of rejection. I felt like you were too good for me. You're an angel while I am a devil. I don't deserve you. But then Blaine and Penelope made me realize that I'm fine the way I am." Sebastian said as he looked at the wall.

"You thought that way?" Kurt asked feeling happy that he felt that way over him yet sad that he felt like nothing. "Let's make a deal. What if we don't think that way and only focus on each other. Have complete and utter trust in each other and to never keep secrets." Kurt said to Sebastian.

"Deal" He responded with a small smile. They ended all day cuddling and sharing stories from their childhood. Both boys completely smitten for each other. Enjoying each other's presence acting as they were the only people in the planet.

Kurt guessed his dream came true. Kurtbastian was now official and it was to stay that way.

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