Unwanted Guests

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*Third Person Point of View*

Kurt and Penelope decided to head out and have a day together. Blaine decided against it because he wanted Penelope to himself. 

Sebastian the kind soul he was decided to let them be, and convinced Blaine to let them go.

Penelope and Kurt decided to go to the mall at Lima. Kurt and Penelope dressed and went straight to the car. Both full of happiness and innocence making the people surrounding people look at them in envy.

They wanted to look like the beautiful duo. With no worry in the world and full of joy. But because they were awful people that was impossible. 

Kurt then decided to carry his best friend, his sister, and ran into the mall. He headed to the food section, while carrying a giggling Penelope in his arms. 

They ordered some Mcdonald's because they loved the taste of diabetes. 

They decided to watch a film at the theatre, so they bought a bunch of snacks. Penelope's favourite movie snack were the slushies. Kurt despised them because of the awful memories.

Kurt and Penelope decided to watch The Incredibles because why not. In the theatre a few of the ND were there spying on them like stalkers. 

Kurt and Penelope were snuggled against each other just enjoying each others presence.

They felt safe with each other. That made people envious of the brother-sister bond they had. Through the movie Kurt and Penelope were on the edge of their seats. They loved the movie so much that they were thinking of becoming one. 

The duo were laughing as they exited the theatre to go shopping. Kurt pulled out his phone as they took a cute selfie. He send it to the groupchat and captioned it 'The best girl in the world'. 

His mistake was that he send it to the wrong group. Instead of sending it to the Warblers he send it to the demons of McKinley.

The ND's felt their phone's go off and checked them. They stared at the duo and their caption. Most of the boys and Santana looked at Penelope in adoration, while the girls stared at Kurt's picture in shock. 

He changed in looks, and for the better. They were starting to regret doing those things to Kurt. They wanted to show the golden trio off. 

They came up with a plan, they were going to apologize to Kurt, and maybe convince him and the others to move to McKinley.

The ND walked up to Kurt and Penelope and got their attention. "Kurt we wanted to apologize for being so blunt and horrible to you. We never intended to----" Rachel was cut off by an angry Blaine.

"Kurt, Penelope what are these poor excuses of a human doing here." Blaine asked angrily ,while pulling both of the innocent little beans behind him. 

"We were just trying to apologize to Kurt for the last few years, and----" Mercedes was cut of by Blaine yet again. "Hold up did I ask you? NO I don't think I did, so can you shut up." Blaine said angrily. 

This made the girls swoon. They thought he looked hot.

"Blaine dude chill. I thought I was supposed to be the overprotective one." Sebastian joked trying to clear up the tension. 

"These people are the ones that made Kurt think so low of himself. We had to rescue him from these crazy lunatics. Sebastian these people have harmed Kurt." Blaine said spitting with rage.

Sebastian calmly looked at them in the eye and spoke. " All of you stay away from my boyfriend, bestfriend, and my little munchkin or i will make your life's hell." with that being said he got the speechless Kurt and dragged him away.

Blaine glared at them as he gave carried Penelope bridal style away. She fell asleep halfway through the discussion. Once the quartet left the ND were crestfallen. 

They obviously couldn't get anywhere near the innocent members, which means that they had to talk to the protective ones.

They groaned as they headed to their homes defeated. However, Sebastian got into the drivers seat and Blaine put Penelope in the backseat with Kurt. Kurt smiled at the little innocent angel as her head was in his lap. 

On the way to Dalton Sebastian and Blaine were discussing what to do, while the two angels were in the backseat dead asleep. Once they reached Dalton the two overprotective boyfriends didn't want to wake up their angels so they carried them. 

Sebastian picked up Kurt as Blaine picked up Penelope. When they were heading to their respective dorms they got many curious glances. Both boys just smiled as they passed. 

Sebastian put Kurt in his bed and was about to head to his bed, but Kurt pulled his hand.

"Please don't leave me." Kurt whispered his eyes closed.

"I'm not planning to." Sebastian said as he got into bed with Kurt. Both falling into a dreamless sleep.

While Blaine went to Penelope's room after getting changed into his pyjamas, he set her down, and then got into the bed with her. She snuggled up against him and whispered. "I love you" 

"I love you my angel. Always."

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