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 I decided to switch things up. Things aren't going to match with the show, obviously since Penelope is apart of it now. Kurt will meet Blaine a different way and will act slightly different. I'm sorry if this isn't the best of books, but I wanted to write something I haven't seen before. I hope you enjoy:) Please criticize if needed I want for you guys to enjoy my book. 


*Penelope's Point of View*

Once I woke up I headed to the bathroom. I showered, changed, brushed my hair, and already out the door. I had a red pencil skirt with a white button up shirt, then to top it all of I put on some silver heels.

 I feel like I'm forgetting something..... Oh crap I forgot the blazer!!

Ugh I mentally slapped myself . I rushed to get it and while I headed past the door I saw bird earrings and a pretty necklace. I put them on and ran with my bag in hand. I was supposed to meet Blaine at the entrance a long time ago. Crap I want to beat myself up. 

I ran to the entrance and I noticed I got quite a few stares. I felt myself blush a cherry red as I met up with Blaine. 

"Sorry I woke up late and I kept going in and out of my dorm room, since I kept forgetting some of my things. I didn't mean to and I promise it won't----" I was cut of by Blaine. 

"Penny it's ok I had the same problem as you anyways." Blaine laughed out. I blushed as I looked down at my feet. I felt someone pull my chin up and I soon made eye contact with Blaine. 

I am pretty sure I turned into a firetruck by now. Wait no I was probably as red as The Flash's suit. I laughed in my head, I was so obsessed with him but like who wouldn't he is super dreamy. I looked into Blaine's eyes as he complimented my blush which made me turn even more red.

"Also how can I forget. Penny you look really gorgeous and I swear if any guy looks at you wrong I will beat them up." he said with determination in his eyes. While he was saying this he was waving his arms wildly. 

I giggled at his words and thanked him. "Blaine not to ruin the moment but if I don't get food I will die and I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want that to happen." I said as my stomach growled. 

I burst out laughing and so did he. "Mister are you making me suffer hurry I am hungryyy" I said as I drawled the y's in hungry. He laughed and put me in his car. "I'm paying!!" I screamed as we reached the coffee shop.  

He shook his head as he followed after me. "No miss I am going to be paying and that's final." I said with a smirk.

"Fine what do you want? I'll order and you can find a place to sit." I said. He took a moment but replied with" A moca capuchino please." As soon as he finished I ran to the counter and took the order. I then proceded to pay with my money in front of his face.

He had his mouth wide open and I laughed. "Close your mouth or you'll attract flies."  As soon as I said that a fly went in his mouth. I died. Giggles erupted from my mouth as he spit out the fly. "You hurt the poor fly Blaine!! Nooo it's dead because it wanted to explore your huge mouth." I said with a frown.

We laughed until our coffee's came and I noticed this cute pale boy with amazing fashion sense staring at Blaine and I. I smiled at him and dragged Blaine towards the guy. Blaine notice we were heading towards a guy and his face turned blank. 

What was up with him? Was he jealous? Pfttt nah why would he want a mouldy churrito like me? I laughed at myself for thinking Blaine would get jealous over a guy. We reached his table and he looked shocked. I smiled kindly at him. I swear I heard him awe at me, I think that I am turning crazy from the lack of food in my body. 

"Bonjour I am Penelope Clearwater and this is my friend Blaine Anderson and I was wondering if we could sit with you." I said as my blue doe eyes stared at him. He looked into them and I saw him melt in my gaze ,and that made him look adorable.

"Sure I am Kurt Hummel and I'm sorry if this is too straight forward but where are you guys from? I don't think my school would be prepared for you guy's beauty." once he said that his eyes widened. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to come out. Well I don't mean you guys are ugly because you're not.. If anything you guys are probably the most beautiful people in lima. I uh didn't mean---" Kurt ranted which was adorable.

Blaine and I laughed at him as his pale ace turned beet red. " No it's no problem, We go to Dalton Academy and I'm the first girl there, also you are not so bad on the eyes." I said as I beamed at him.

"What I think my friend that's high on candy meant was that we appreciate the compliment." Blaine said as he laughed at his blue eyed friend. I noticed Kurt staring at me which made him get a smile in return. 

*Third Person Point of View*

Kurt, Blaine, and Penelope all bonded over the time they spent at the coffee shop. Kurt knew he was gay because he didn't think of women in the way most guys did. People may of thought that he liked Penelope by the way he was staring at her, but in reality he was whipped. 

Her aura was surrounded with her innocence and happiness. Kurt felt at ease and relaxed when around her and he liked that. Ever since a boy from his school decided to target him and make him miserable. 

He was going to miss his new friends especially since they made him feel calm and made him forget his pain while with them. He got teary as he thought of his tormentor and his oblivious friends.

Penelope noticed and instantly she was by Kurt's side. She wrapped him in a hug as he cried into her shoulder. She was cooing into his ear calming him down instantly. Blaine stared at Kurt with sadness already feeling protective of a guy he felt as a brother. He looked at Penelope in awe she seemed to be glowing just like an angel would be.

Penelope made Kurt confess to what happened as she held on to him comforting him. Once Kurt finished Blaine was mad at what Kurt called 'friends'. How could they let him go through that alone? Penelope was calm she didn't care for Kurt's friends. They were irrelevant if they made her precious Kurt feel like this. 

Then she got an idea.  "Kurt how would you like to join us at Dalton? I can ask my dad if you can go without paying the tuition. I want you close to Blaine and I so we could protect you." Penelope asked Kurt

Kurt started crying happy tears he felt wanted. He looked at Blaine who was looking at him with a look that seemed to say ' Please come or else I will drag you to Dalton' He looked at Penelope and she was smiling warmly at him. 

"Of course I want to go but I don't know if my dad would let me." Kurt said sadly. "How about this; we go and ask my dad first, then we can go talk to your dad?" Penelope said. "Yeah what do you think Kurt? You can leave your car here and come back to pick it up when we go talk to your dad." Blaine said with a warm smile.

"Alright I'm in but first can we go talk to my fellow 'friends'. I want to tell them what they made me feel." Kurt said hoping they would agree.

"Ooooh we get to confront your classmates and bully? I'm in I want to talk to them and make them realize what they lost." Penelope said with a slight frown. Kurt pulled her into a hug and told her he was ok. With the little time spend with Blaine and Penelope he knew that when Penelope frowned something was wrong.

Blaine pulled the two people he was fond of and led them to his car. Today they were going to confront Kurt's 'friends',  go convince Penelope's father to transfer Kurt to Dalton, and ask for Kurt's dad permission. Kurt was calm and so was Blaine. Penelope just seemed to have this thing to her that people couldn't explain.


Hey I hope you enjoyed I made it long or you guys:) 

Word Count: 1,400

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