Ch. 9: A Very Important Thing to do

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As Tiana and I walked into the suite, I noticed many pieces of Mickey mouse memorabilia all over the room, and not in a very organized fashion. In the main room, Mickey Mouse posters and pictures were hanging all over the wall. Boxes and Mickey related items were scattered all about, as if Mickey had just recently moved into this hotel.

"Hello?" I called into the room. We heard a noise coming from another part of the suite, emitting from a room to our right.

"Jamie, is that you?" Mickey's voice answered as said Mouse stumbled out of the room and fell flat on his face.

"Mickey, are you alright?" Tiana asked as we helped him up.

"Yes, just fine." Mickey assured. "It's just that I haven't really had time to unpack since I was forced to move. My room is so cluttered it's so hard just to get out."

Mickey's once nice suit was wrinkled in many places, and he had dark circles under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept in a while.

I was confused. "Wait, what do you mean, you were FORCED to move?"

Mickey looked at me. "I think it's time, Jamie, that I explained to you about the Twelve Realms."

"Twelve, what?" I asked. I had heard the word "Realm" mentioned by a few characters already, but I never got to ask what they meant.

"Sit down....I mean, if you can." Mickey had directed the princess and I to the couch, but right now it was buried under Mickey Mouse toys, books, furniture, and a bunch of other stuff.

"In fact, why don't you come with me into the kitchen. That's pretty much the only room yet that isn't cluttered, surprisingly." Mickey pointed toward the direction of the kitchen, and we made our way in. The Mouse pulled out three kitchen chairs and we all sat down.

"Alright, Jamie," Mickey began. "The Realms are twelve places inside the World of Disney that contain numerous amounts of magical power that is pretty much the only thing keeping the whole world from crumbling to pieces. If all twelve of the Realms were to be destroyed, the world would be destroyed."

"Ok...what are the Realms, then?" I asked.

"The Twelve Realms are always changing. They change every ten or eleven years. The Realms that are present right now are: The Seven Dwarf's Cottage, Cinderella's Castle, The Hundred Acre Woods, Notre Dame, Agrabah, Atlantica, The Beast's Castle, Olympus, The Pride Lands, Mickey's Magical Kingdom, Neverland and Wonderland."

As I pondered this, it clicked inside of me exactly (or at least partly) of what was going on. "The Pride Lands is a Realm? Someone destroyed The Pride Lands!"

Mickey nodded, a grimace on his face. "Someone is trying to destroy the World of Disney. We don't know who, but whoever they are has already destroyed Seven out of the Twelve Realms. The Seven Dwarf's Cottage, Cinderella's Castle, The Hundred Acre Woods, Notre Dame, The Beast's Castle, The Pride Lands, and Mickey's Magical Kingdom. And it's recently come to my attention that Agrabah was attacked earlier."

I nodded. "It's possible that those flamingos have something to do with the destruction of the World of Disney."

"And because of My Realm, Mickey's Magical Kingdom, getting destroyed, I and everyone else who lived there had to move. We're all scattered around the world. Donald and Goofy I know for a fact are staying in New York City."

"The flamingos also mentioned something about a "Life Source?" What is that?"

Mickey looked shocked when I said that. "How did they know about the Life Sources?"

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