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Hadrian Calius LeStrange, 7:30a.m, History of Magic

As the bell rang to signal the end of class, Hadrian poked Draco awake one more time before they moved on to Potions, where they found Slytherins were already there, chatting quietly amongst one another.

Suddenly, a familiar black haired girl engulfed them in a hug attack, squealing. "Dray! Hadri! Oh I missed you two so much!"

The two boys grinned softly as they hugged back, before letting go. "We met a few weeks before Hogwarts at your dinner party, Pansy."

Pansy Parkinson, their long time childhood friend, glared playfully. "That was so long ago!" Blaise Zabini, another childhood friend, smiled. "It still counts, PansyPans." Pansy punched his shoulder lightly.

"I thought we agree no nicknames, LaisyBlaisy?" Blaise scowled, making both Unity and Slytherins laughed softly. Shortly after, the door opened. They all seated themselves in a mix, Unity sat with Slytherins. Not parted at all. Hermione sat with Milicent, Gemma talked about fashion with Daphne and Neville chatted with Theo. Along with the rest of them as they all chatted and warmed up to the other.

Soon enough, Snape entered, his robes bellowing behind him. "Good-" He was cut off when he saw that his house was mixing with Unity, causing his lips to curl into a smile. "And here I thought Slytherins didn't like other houses." He mumbled, before he checked the attendance.

"Ah, Miss Potter. Our new... celebrity." Gemma grinned, getting up. "What would I get if I mixed Asphodel and Wormwood?" Snape asked. "You'll get a very strong sleeping potion called Draught of the Living Dead." Snape nodded, his smile growing. "Where can I find a bezoar?" Gemma's smirked could rival those of Slytherin's.

"In the stomach of a goat, sir." Snape himself smirked. "And what is the difference between Monkswood and Wolfsbane?" Gemma pretented to think. "The only difference is the name." Snape nodded, his grin so big Hadrian worried he might hurt his jaw. "50 points to Unity." The Slytherins weren't even salty, they just clapped softly for their new friends.

After writing down a few notes and brewing an easy Calming Draught, (to which only Hadrian, Draco, Neville, Gemma and Hermione's was perfect), Unity said goodbye to the Slytherins as they parted ways, Unity to Herbology and Slytherin to Double Transfiguration with Gryffindor.

As they walked, Hadrian noticed Professor Quirell watching the group. "Hello, Professor!" Hadrian called out, making the turban wearing teacher jump before wearing a soft smile. "G-Good m-mornin, Mr. L-LeStrange." Hadrian smiled, before running back to Greenhouse 1.

What he didn't notice was the look of curiosity the professor had on his face as he watched the boy walked away, and the fact that his eyes flashed maroon for a second.

Interesting... I didn't know Bella had a son. Tom Riddle thought, before walking back to Quirell's garlic scented classroom.

Hadrian joined as soon as Professor Sprout said that they were looking into Devil's Snare. Hadrian sat beside Draco, who had saved a spot for him. They worked silently together, sending small smiles at one another.

After they finished Herbology, they walked to the Flying pitch, where Professor James is already waiting and the Gryffindors nowhere in sight. "Unity! You're early. 10 points for being early." They all grinned, happy with the now 85 points in their hand plus with the Unity Leaders, (Hadrian, Gemma, Hermione, Neville and Draco) earning 30 points for their marvellous outcome of the Devil Snare, (all thanks to Neville, Hadrian and Gemma), they now have 105 points.

Soon enough, or more like 15 minutes later, the door slammed opened and out came the red and gold wearing first years chatting noisily among one another, making Unity and Professor James to cringe at the disturbance of the once peaceful silence.

"A-Alright. Good morning, class." The Unity side greeted with 'Good Morning, Professor!'s but Gryffindor didn't even acknowledge him, making James grew red. "5 points from Gryffindor for disrespect!" The Gryffindors was quiet after that. "Now, hold out your wand hand and say 'Up!' Make sure to say in confidently, if not it wouldn't respond." The class nodded before there was a scatter of 'up's!

Hadrian, Gemma, Draco and Hermione's shot up immediately but Neville's, though it did rise, smacked him in the face instead. The four laughed softly while Neville glared playfully at them. "Shut up, bloody wankers." He mumbled softly, before doing it again, this time working perfectly.

After everyone has their brooms in hand, James grinned. "Now you can fly around. Those who are Muggleborn please do not worry, these brooms, although are old, can support your weight, so you won't fall off." Then, they all flew off.

"Hey Hadri!" Hadrian looked up to see Draco zooming towards him, making him dodge, just barely missing. "Let's race." Draco said as he flew beside him, his eyes glimmering. Hadrian grinned. "You're on." Draco smirked, but before they could start, a loud scream was heard, making them turn just fast enough to see Hermione fall off her broom.

Hadrian and Draco didn't even wait for Professor James, they immediately flew towards the falling girl, Hadrian catching her while Draco helping Hadrian steady his broom. "Are you alright, Mione?" Hadrian asked as they flew to the ground. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, Hadri!" Hadrian smile softly at her as she hugged him, before turning to hug Draco. "You two are my heroes!" They chuckle, before Professor Astoria came running towards them.

"You two! Just qualified! Yourselves! As Unity's Seeker and Chaser!" Hadrian and Draco widened their eyes. "Hadrian you're the Seeker, Draco you're the Chaser. Neville is the second Chaser and Gemma is the third Chaser. Fred and George are the Beaters. Oliver Wood is the Keeper and Quidditch captain."

The class was silent, but Unity soon erupted into cheers.



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