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(Hadrian's hoodie)

Hadrian Calius LeStrange, Malfoy Manor, 3:57 am

"Mother!" Hadrian said, embracing the tired yet happy lady he calls mother. "How are you, Hadri?" She asked softly, hugging him tightly as she feared he was another illusion that has been haunting her in her cell. "You're here, we're safe." She said, smiling softly.

"Yes we are. I missed you so much." Bellatrix sighed, before chuckling. Draco, who was busy talking to his parents, mentally smacked himself when he forgot about the Dark Lord. "My lord! My lord?" He asked, looking around. "Yes, Draco?" The Dark Lord, who was busy reading a book, looked over to see Draco bowing slightly, thanking him a million times.

"Draco, Draco! Draco!" Hadrian said, trying to stop the blonde from bowing until he fell over. "Draco!" Hadrian immediately helped him stood up, as the blonde supported a bump on his forehead. "Ow ow ow." He muttered, before Hadrian casted the healing charm on the wound, making Draco smile. "Thanks Hadri."

Hadrian smiled, before looking at the three escaped convicts. "You guys really look like you need some more..." Hadrian trailed off, waving his wand to summon some nutrition, cheering and dreamless sleep potions for them, before Hadrian sighed as Bella pushed away the nutrition potion, Lucius shook his head at the dreamless sleep and Narcissa frowned at the cheering potions. "Guys please, you really need it. You looked like you haven't been in the sun for 15 years..." Hadrian said, trying to push the potions into their hands.

"But..." Hadrian, along with Draco, shook their heads. "Please? You guys promised to come with us to Diagon Alley... How can we go if you guys look like dead?" Draco said, frowning.

They slowly drank everything, before Hadrian started to summon three mattresses, since the three adults were all too sleepy to reach their rooms in time.

The three still awake looked at each other before giggling softly, and set the mattresses in the middle of living room. "What was this about Diagon Alley?" Hadrian looked at the Dark Lord with a smile. "Well, Mother and Aunt Cissy promised to go Christmas Shopping on the 15th of Discember , but I guess we're going tomorrow, since they're deeply asleep." Hadrian explained as Draco casted a diagnosis charm on each of them before helping them drink more needed potions and such.

On 18th of December...

"Mother, come on! Aunt Cissy and Draco are already left." Hadrian said, bouncing softly. He was wearing a soft Muggle clothing called a hoodie, with jeans and a pair of gloves.

Bella herself was donning a dark green winter coat, black jeans,black gloves and silver jewelleries to represent house LeStrange, since Rudolpus died in Azkaban. Her hair was, for the first time, straighten and soft, her indigo blue eyes shown with happiness and beauty. She smiled at her son, before grabbing her purse and nodded. "Come on." She said, before they Apparated to Diagon Alley.

Instantly heads turn, not because of Bella, but because of the robes she's wearing, clashing with Hadrian's clothes. "What are you looking at? Take a picture it'll last longer." Hadrian snapped at all the judging eyes, who instantly turned away, ashamed that they just got scolded by an 11 year old.

Hadrian smirked, before he saw undeniable pale blonde hair in front of Dark Diamonds, a store that sells beautiful jewellery. "Dray!" Hadrian called out once they were close enough, making the blonde look up and smile. "Hadri! I see you guys have arrived." Draco said, waving at his Aunt. "Yeah. What are you going to buy?" Draco have a soft dusting of blush on his cheeks, though from the cold or from embarrassment Hadrian will never know since Ronald Weasley just walked into him, making him fall.

"Hadri are you okay?" Bella caught him in time, before glaring at Molly Weasley. "Molly Weasley. I see you haven't changed a bit." The small lady scoffed. "Same goes to you, Bella." She sneered,  as Ron and Drarian glared at each other. "Come Ginny, we have no time to deal with Death Eaters, especially since Gemma is waiting for us." Hadrian sneered at Ron, but smiled softly at Ginny, who waved shyly back.

"You go first mum, I want to see something over there." Ginny said, walking to a random shop before getting a small snow globe. "Hi, Ginny." Hadrian greeted softly, making the small girl smile at him. "Hi Hadrian. How are you?" Hadrian smiled at his pen-pal.

"I'm doing okay. Ever since Gemma rejected Ron's friendship he's becoming more obnoxious and annoying. At least Percy is doing well, the twins are planning something, and Father is trying to hide his Mark. Ever since the Dark Lord came back," she whispered, looking around.

"His Mark has been prickling but he can't answer it. If he answered it mother would've figured it out. Then again, how are you supposed to tell her that six of her children, minus Ron, and her husband is evil?" Ginny said, smiling at the Multicoloured eyed boy. "True. What are you going to buy?" She looked the snow globes. "Snow globes for my family and a pair of gloves for my friends. What are you giving to your family, friends and Draco?"

Hadrian froze when she asked that. "I'm not going to tell you! That's not fair since mine is all surprises!" Ginny laughed, before nodding. "Fine. Make sure you mail it, okay?" Hadrian chuckled. "Like always, Ginny." They fist bumped before went separate ways.


Mianhae I didn't mean to hold this off! And it's kinda SUCKS but eh, you guys need to eat...

My electricity died so I'm at my grandma's and the internet is soooo slooow 😭

Well, hoped you enjoy anyways, Ciphers :)

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