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Hadrian Calius LeStrange, Unity Tower, 12:00 a.m.

"What's the password, again?" Draco asked, as he stopped in front of the portrait. "In your robe pockets, Dray. Lady Hogwarts told us this." Hadrian said softly, taking out a small piece of parchment out of his robe pockets. "Harmony." The portrait nodded, before swinging open. Inside, the Common Room was filled with black and silver furniture, with a sliver fireplace and the Unity banner hanging above it donned gold.

"Nice." Hadrian said, before yawning. "Ah, you're back. Where did you even go?" They jumped at Gemma's small voice, before sighing softly. "We went to greet the Founders. They were nice and sweet!" Hermione smiled, making Gemma's eyes widen. "You met the Founders? Wow! Can I see them too?" The four looked at each other before shrugging and nodding. "There's no harm in doing so." Lady Hogwarts said, making Gemma smile. "Thank you, Lady Hogwarts."

They all went to the First year level, where Gemma and Hermione said goodnight to the boys and head to their dorms. Draco, Neville and Hadrian were excited when they realize that they have a dorm to just the three of them.

Draco Lucius Malfoy, Unity dorms, 6:00a.m.

Draco woke up to Hadrian sleeping soundly beside him, trapping him in a soft hug. "Hadri? Love?" Draco whispered softly, before smacking himself softly as he casted the Tempus charm. 6 am and I'm already trying to wake him up. Merlin's beard I need to think about others as well. Draco thought, before sighing softly and kissed the small boy's head. Slowly, he fell back asleep, a small smile dominated his lips.

30 minutes later...

"Dray? Wake up. We'll have breakfast soon." Draco opened his eyes slowly, grumbling angrily about 'time' and 'beauty sleep', making the raven haired boy laugh. "C'mon sleeping beauty, we need to wake Neville up before showering and heading down to breakfast." Hadrian said, making Draco sigh before nodding and went to wake Neville up, as Hadrian went to bathe first.

"Nev? Wake up, love." Neville grumbled softly, but sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Whazzit?" Draco giggle. "We'll be having classes soon, Nev. You better go prepare before we head down to breakfast." Neville nodded, stretching slightly.

Draco read his Muggle novel (The School For Good and Evil) as he waited for Hadrian to finish bathing. Neville, who was still half asleep, fell face first into the floor, making Draco look up in alarm. "Nev! Are you okay?" Draco said, shaking the boy softly. "I'm... fine..." Neville said slowly, looking at Draco with a small smile, his nose bleeding.

"Gosh, you are bleeding." Draco grabbed his wand and cast a healing charm on his nose, cracking it back into place. "Thank you, Dray." Neville said, making Dray grin. "Of course, Nev." Hadrian came out of the bathroom, drying his messy hair with a towel. "Okay, who's next?" Neville looked at Draco, who smiled. "Me."

After Draco's bath...

As the two boys wait for Neville, they wore their robes above their uniforms, before reading up on some of the subjects. "Let's go." They looked up from their books to see Neville finished wearing his robes. "Were we that immersed to not notice you?" Neville chuckled as they went down to the Common Room.

"Yes, yes you were." They laughed softly, making the two girls, Gemma and Hermione look at them curiously. "What?" Draco shook his head. "Nothing." The two girls shrug before going down to breakfast.

Along the way, students and teachers alike stare and whispered in delight. The source? Gemma Potter.

"Look, there she is!"


"Beside LeStrange, Malfoy, Longbottom and Granger."

Ronald Weasley, a proud Gryffindor as his family was all Gryffindors, pushed past the group, despite their protests, and held out his hand. "Ron Weasley, pleasure to meet you." Draco and Hadrian both silently chuckled, as Gemma frowned.

"Aren't your family poor, Ron?" Neville asked. "Oh, I've heard about you, Longbottom. You were almost close a Squib before you made a Toadstool bigger." Ron sneered, making Draco and Hadrian rolled their eyes.

"Mr Weasley, 10 points from Griffindor." A voice spoke from behind them, making them turn around. "Professor Snape!" Was Ron's scared response, "Uncle Sev!" Was Hadrian's and Draco's response and "10 points from Griffindor?" Were Gemma, Hermione and Neville's response.

"How are you, Draco, Hadri? Your parents will be sending you two a package soon so you all best be off." The group nodded, while Ron ran off to the toilets, as he had a wet spot on his trousers.

The group chatted as they sat at their table, where food was already served. "Gemma!" A professor with the same hair as Gemma came to the table, making Gemma blush as the four laughed softly. "Oh, who are your friends?" Gemma lit up. "This is Draco Malfoy, Hadrian LeStrange, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom!" Professor Lily Potter smiled. "Wow, friends with Purebloods!" Gemma laughed softly.

Hadrian smiled softly at the lady before the posts arrived. "Hedwig!" Hadrian exclaim delightfully. The snowy owl hooted softly at her master, before showing the package around her leg. "Thank you, love. Here." Hadrian fed her a pice of his bacon, making her hoot gratefully before flying back to the Owlery.

Hadrian kept the package in his robes, before continuing to eat his breakfast. "Where aren't you opening your package here, Hadrian?" Seamus Finnigan, an Irish Half-blood asked, making Hadrian smile softly. "It's something personal. I'd like to open it at my dorm." Seamus nodded, before going back into his conversation with Dean Thomas, a Muggle born.

"Alright, here are your schedules, darlings." Hadrian nodded, as he took the schedule with a soft smile. "Nice." Draco said, looking over at Hadrian's schedule. "Hey, we must have the same schedule as Gemma!" One of the first years called out, making the five friends laugh. "Of course we do, Anthony." The boy, Anthony Gillert who is a Pureblood, blushed softly but a wide smile was on his face.

Soon, the five friends stood up to leave, but was stopped by Weasel and his cronies, Rick Snitch and Michael Warts. "Why are you hanging out with them, Gemma? They're Death Eaters, a pathetic Squib and a Mud-" Hadrian sent a Petrificus towards the red head. "Even if we are Death Eaters and a pathetic Squib, at least we have respect for Hermione. She is the Brightest Witch Of Our Age and you will not underestimate her just because she's a Muggle Born, you pathetic Weasel." Hadrian growled, as the red head's eyes teared up.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Potter came over,  both ladies looking pleased. "Ah, 15 points to Unity for defending your friends, Mr LeStrange  and 15 points from Gryffindor for saying that disgusting word, Mr Weasley." Professor McGonagall said, as Professor Potter looked at the hex.

"This is a full body Petrificus. A very strong one too. 10 points for an impressive display of a 2nd year hex." Hadrian smiled softly at Professor Potter before bowing and casting the counter curse and walked away to his group.


How was that? :)

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