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Hadrian Calius LeStrange, Diagon Alley, 5:20 pm

"Here, it's your Instant Retrieval Pouch, which is connected to the vault, but make sure not to spend too much. Yes, Hadri, I understand that we have three vaults, but this one is connected to your vault, the Slytherin one." Hadrian's eyes shone when his mother said that.

"Woah, when did you get this?" Hadrian asked her. "When you went to Hogwarts. As soon as the train dissappeared over the horizon, we Apparated to Gringotts." Bellatrix said, smiling.

"Slytherin will always be cunning." Hadrian said, making Bellatrix laugh. "Now go, buy your presents. I want to meet you in front of Flourish and Blott's in 2 hours." Hadrian nodded, before they split up.

Hadrian walked inside Dark Diamonds, before his eyes caught something beautiful, making him move towards it. It was a beautiful gold and silver necklace, with a simple yet very rare diamond in the middle call a Furfur diamond. The Gem itself is very hard to find, but to be able to get the diamond is even harder.

The Gem has a mix of Pink, Purple and Blue, and it was carved as a heart. He gently grabbed the necklace, before looking around. Another jewellery caught his eye. It was a collection of constellation bracelet, with the stars as diamonds and the line that connects them all was a beautiful silver band with specks of gold in them. He gently floated three of the bracelets, one for his mother, one for his Aunt Cissy and another for his uncle Sirius.

Hadrian slowly made his way to the front before another piece of jewellry that was perfect for his girl friends.

A beautiful pair of Diamond earrings, in the shape of open books for Hermione, a necklace with a small fire pendant, made from various tiny orange and yellow diamond for Ginny and a emerald green bracelet with a deer and a doe, a leaf and a teardrop charm on it for Gemma.

He went over to the counter with the jewelleries floating behind him. "Hello, sir. How much are these?" He asked, gently placing all the jewellries on the counter. "600 Galleons. What, you want these?" He sneered, making Hadrian's eyes flashed ice blue.

"Listen here, old man, I want no trouble since my mother just got out of Azkaban and I don't want her to be thrown back in because of me. So you just shut it and tell me the actual price." He said, pointing his wand.

"2-200 Galleons..." The man stuttered, making Hadrian smirked before summoning 200 Galleons from his Pouch. "Here. Thanks for the jewelleries." Hadrian said, before turning back. "Oh, and don't think just because I'm 11 you can dominate me. Only certain few can."

Hadrian immediately changed personalities when he stopped in front of a shop. A smile resides on his lips before he vanished his items to the Manor and entered the shop.


Hadrian woke up next to Draco, smiling softly as he prepared himself for a slightly busier Christmas. "Dray, c'mon, wake up!" Hadrian shook the blonde softly, before getting his towel and going inside the bathroom.

When he finished bathing and donned a green and silver sleeved shirt and black pair of jeans did Draco finally woke up. "Merlin, Hadri why didn't you wake me up!?" The blonde said, rushing to the bathroom as the raven haired boy rolled his eyes in amusement.

He added some glitter at some points of the messy hair, before dusting his cheeks with a light blush and donned some Dragon hide gloves with the fingers uncovered.

When Draco was finally finished, he stepped out with a red shirt with gold trimmings and a black pair of jeans, with his hair ungelled and brushed to the side. "Wow don't you look stunning?" Hadrian said, smiling at the boy, making him smile back. "You don't look too bad yourself."

They laughed at that, before Bhiti appeared. "Masters, Mistress Narcissa is wanting you at Breakfast." He said, making the two nod before the elf Apparated away. "Come on, they'll probably have our heads if we don't hurry." Draco said, pulling Hadrian's hand softly.

When they stepped downstairs, all heads turn towards them with smiles from the parents and Lord Voldemort, sneers from the Inner Circle and the lower Death Eaters and waves from James, Sirius, Remus, Peter and Lily. "Wow don't you guys look dashing." Bella said, making Hadrian smile. "Thanks mum."

During the preparations of the Christmas ball...

Hadrian was moving the ornaments onto the tree when he was attacked with a Blood curling curse, making him scream in pain. Draco and Bellatrix was busy in the kitchen, the Malfoys were busy at the reception with Voldemort, while the Potters and the Marauders were checking on the other Death Eaters so he was alone.

"That's what you get when you challenge an 'underrated' Death Eater, Hadri." Umbridge sneered, before she was thrown back by three forces of wandless Reducto, one by Bella, one by Draco and one by Hadrian himself. 

"Step. Away. From. My. Son. You. Bitch." Bella said coldly, as Draco helped the smaller boy up. "You. Attacking a defenceless and unaware child whose back was turned. That's not a very Slytherin thing, is it?" Narcissa said, as the oink robed lady coughed and heaved. "What is wrong with you!? I didn't underrate you you underrate me!" Hadrian lashed out, his eyes ice blue, a flame of anger behind the cold pair.

"You attacked me first!" Umbridge tried to fight back, before Hadrian lifted him up wandlessly, his eyes glowing blue, his hands glowing greenish silver.

"I? Attacked you? Bull. Shit." He said, before he casted a silent Modified Cruciatus. The pink clad lady screamed and thrashed around, before Hadrian surrounded her in a bubble before hanging the bubble at the middle as a chandelier. "This is what happens when you look down on me, Draco, Neville and any of my friends."

Hadrian, his eyes still glowing blue, glared and warned the lower Death Eaters, who bowed before walking away,  whispering and talking about Umbridge, not wanting to land on any of their bad side.


Jesus Hadrian just showed them who's boss! :) Love you Ciphers! <3

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