Chapter Nine: Confession...

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**Don't play the video until I write in the story that it's time to, for a better reading experience! ^~^**

[[Sasuke's POV]]

"Hey Sasuke! Boy, am I glad I didn't choose to skip the 10th question!" Naruto runs over to me and says -well, shouts. (as usual >.>)
"Yeah, so am I," I mutter.
"You know, I didn't answer a single one of those questions before. I totally depended on that last question," he puts his hand behind his head and gives me a cheeky grin.
"You...WHAT?!" I anime sweat-drop. I cannot believe this kid.
"Hey Naruto!" Kiba comes out of the examination room and comes to us. "Hi, Sasuke." I nod to him in greeting.
"Hey, Kiba! Akamaru!" Naruto says to them. Just then Kiba turns and his mouth kind of hangs open a little. I turn to see what he's looking at.

Suki is climbing on to Gaara's back.

"Well, you've got to have some skill to do that, with that giantass gourd on his back," Naruto rambles. Kiba and I ignore him.

Suki sits on Gaara's back and he carries her to wherever they're going.

Okay, so first she sleeps in the same bed as this guy, and now she's riding on his back?! And she says they're NOT dating? What kind of cruel joke is this? Is she serious? Damn, Gaara is one lucky guy. But...are they seriously not dating?

Maybe they aren't. Maybe she's just that much of a  [insert word you find fitting here]. :P

**psst! you can start the music now! :3**

[[Gaara's POV]]

I sit on the roof, waiting for Suki. She told me to meet her here - she really wouldn't let the talk with Temari go. Ugh, what am I going to do? I really don't want to tell her...I'll ruin our friendship...what if she doesn't feel the same for me? She doesn't act like it...I think...

Suki sits down next to me.

"So," she says. "Tell,"
"Well," I sigh. "I-I don't know-"
"Just goddamn tell me!" Suki shouts.
"Okay, okay," I take a deep breath. I shiver a little and get chills suddenly. "Well, I, uh..." I avoid her eyes and look at the stars. I clear my throat. "I, well, I'm in love with someone." I release the breath I didn't even know I was holding in.
"W-what?" Suki stammers. "Who?" she asks quietly.
"I-" my voice breaks and I can't speak for a moment. "I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"I just can't!" I shout. Suki looks hurt. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout."
"It's fine." Suki looks at me and I look at my feet. "Do - I mean, do I know this person?"
"Do I know them well?"
"I think you know them very well," I say, glancing up at her.

[[Suki's POV]]

"I'm in love with someone." The words hit me hard, and I'm not sure why. I feel like my heart is shattering in two.
"W-what?" I ask. Gaara is avoiding my eyes. "Who?"
"I-" it sounds like he loses his voice for a second. "I can't tell you."
He can't tell me?
"Why not?" I question him.
"I just can't!" He shouts. I didn't mean to upset him... "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout," he apologizes.
"It's fine." I look at him, but he looks away again. "Do - I mean, do I know this person?"
"Yeah." Who could it be?
"Do I know them well?"
"I think you know them very well." He finally looks at me. There's not many people I know very well. None, in fact, who are girls, except Temari, and I know it's not Temari. "I'll leave you to think about it." He gets up and turns away.
"Wait," I call after him. He turns his head to look back at me. "I'm in love with someone too," I blurt out. I don't even realize it until I say it. But yes, now that I think about it, it's definiite.

I'm hopelessly in love with Gaara.
Those weird thoughts I was having earlier weren't weird at all; they were signs of the affection I have for him. The fluttering feeling of butterflies in my stomach I had when he carried me home I blushed this morning when my head was close to all makes sense now.

I'm in love with Gaara.

[[Gaara's POV]]

"Wait," Suki calls. I turn my head around to look back at her. "I'm in love with someone too," she says, surprising me.

She's in love with someone too?

My heart sinks like a rock. It could be anyone -- Uchiha; even Naruto...
What are the odds that it could possibly be me?

A/N: Another short chapter but there's a lot to digest in this one. They're telling but not telling. Agh! It's frustrating, isn't it? What did you think of this chapter? Comment & vote please; I'm probably going to publish one more chapter today! ^-^

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