Chapter Eight: The First Exam

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**^Finally my original 'fan art!' it's not colored because, well, idk. it's just not colored. :P but, chibi Gaara//Suki!>**

[[Gaara's POV]]

"W-What?" I stammer.
"Oh, Gaara," she giggles. "You're in love with someone! And it's pretty obvious who it is too," she says with a wink.
I blush. It is?
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," she adds.
"B-but...i-in love..."
"Oh, just accept it. You are."
"I-It can't be..."
"It's true. I can tell just by looking at your face that you're trying to deny it yourself, but in your heart you know it's true." She smiles at me.
And she's right. I do know it's true. I'm just not sure if it's a good thing or not.

"Hey, Gaara!" I hear a famliar voice shout from the bottom of the hill. It's Suki.

[[Suki's POV]]

I finish getting ready. Where the heck is Gaara? He said he'd be back 10 minutes ago...

I decide to go and find him. I have no clue where he could have gone, so I go outside. I see Temari and Gaara sitting on a hill together, talking. Gaara looks confused and Temari looks like she's enjoying herself. They don't notice me. I go to the bottom of the hill and shout, "Hey, Gaara!"

I run up the hill towards them. "You've been here the whole time?"
"Yeah," Gaara responds.
"Hi Suki!" Temari says and nudges Gaara. Gaara glares at her. Whaa--?
"Hey," I smile at her.
"Let's go," Gaara mumbles and gets up. He and I walk down the hill together.
"So, what's with you two?" I ask.
"Huh?" He says. He's not fooling me. Gaara doesn't just hang out with his siblings at random times.
"Who are you trying to fool?" I turn to look at him while walking. "I know you were talking to her for a reason."
"So tell me why,"
He sighs. "I'll tell you later."
"Later as in when?" I push.
He sighs again. "Um...tonight."

[[Gaara's POV]]

"So, what's with you two?" Suki asks me.
"Huh?" I try to act confused so she won't bug me about it. I'm not sure I want to tell her yet.
"Who are you trying to fool?" She looks at me. Oh, well, I tried. Suki's too smart sometimes. "I know you were talking to her for a reason.
"So?" I'm trying my best to get out of telling her.
"So tell me why!"
"Hmmph." I'm not telling her, at least not now.
I sigh. She really does not me an option. "I'll tell you later."
"Later as in when?" Later as in when you forget. >.<
I sigh again, louder this time. "Um..." I'm going to regret this. "tonight."

God, why'd I pick tonight? There's no way I'm getting out of this now. And I'm not lying to her, I would never do that. I'll just...figure it out later.


"You may begin."
I flip my paper over. Who knew the first exam would be a written one? I can see that Naruto kid freaking out a couple rows in front of me. Hmph, serves him right...

Suki is next to me, thankfully. I look down at the paper and read the first question.


I quickly scan the next four questions. These questions are all impossible to answer! I go over the rules again; they don't make any sense. If we're caught cheating too many times, we'll be kicked out, along with our team mates. But if we're caught cheating only a few times, we'll only lose two points...? It's as if...

[[Suki's POV]]

"They want us to cheat!" I whisper to Gaara, who is next to me. He nods.
"Well, how are we going to do this?" I whisper.
He preforms a jutsu - his third eye jutsu.
"Genius," I whisper to myself. He cracks a small smile. As he writes, I write, too. I know better than to look at the shinobi watching us from the sides; that will be obvious. Sneaking quick glances, I'm able to copy down all the answers he writes. Just as I finish writing the answer to the last question, the proctor says, "Okay, it is time for the tenth question." He clears his throat.

"If you answer question 10 wrong, you will never be allowed to take this test again and forever be a Genin. In addition, all your teammates will be disqualified as well. If you choose not to continue, you and your teammates will be disqualified, but will be able to take the Chuunin exam again next year. That said, anyone who wishes to leave, please do so now."

What? Oh god...will I really be able to do this? I reach for Gaara's hand under the table and hold it. He squeezes my hand softly in reassurance.

I watch as a few people raise their hands and the proctor calls out their name and their team mate's names. Finally, Naruto slowly raises his hand.
Naruto? I never thought he'd be a quitter...
Naruto slams his hand back down on the table.
"No," he says, trembling. "YOU GUYS AREN'T GOING TO SCARE ME! I'M NOT LETTING SAKURA AND SASUKE DOWN! I'M GOING TO PASS THE 10TH QUESTION BECAUSE I'M GOING TO BE HOKAGE SOMEDAY. BELIEVE IT!" [s/n: I know that's not what he really said, but I can't remember what he did and I'm too lazy to check. :P]
We all sit there in silence.
"Very well," the proctor says. "Congratulations, you all passed the first part of the exam."
Wait, what? By the looks of everyone else's faces, I'm not the only confused one here.

The proctor explains to us that the 10th question was really just a question to see if we would answer the question. I'm not sure I get it, but whatever.

When we are all dismissed, Gaara and I walk outside together.

"Well, that was..." I start.
"Stressful," Gaara finished.
"Gaara," I whine.
"Oh, alright," he rolls his eyes. I hop onto his back so he can carry me.
I see Sasuke, Kiba, and Naruto watching me on Gaara's back. Since they all are looking at me, I wave to them. They are taken by surprise and don't respond. I giggle. Bakas.

A/N: The next chapter will be at night, so Gaara will have to figure something out!! ^~^ How was this chapter? Comment & vote please! I'll probably publish at least one, if not two new chapters today! :D

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