Chapter 3

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Amy's POV

We left Eastern Headquarters and went and sat on a fountain in a nearby park. Edward was talking when we got attacked by a man with an X-shaped scar across his forehead and eye region.

Needless to say that we ran.

"What the hell is this guy's problem?!" We ended up getting trapped in an alley and Edward transmuted a knife while I transmuted a scythe. We ran at him and he hit Alphonse, destroying most of the right side of his armour.

"Al!" I turned and glared. Ed ran at him and the man did this thing, but it only threw Ed back. I went and kicked, he grabbed my automail leg and tried the same thing, to no avail.

"Automail huh?" He began to do something after tossing me towards Ed. Ed transmuted his arm into a partial blade, and as he ran towards the man, he destroyed his arm.

"Am I the only one you're hunting today? You won't go after my siblings?" Ed asked.

"Your brother will be fine as long as he doesn't get in my way. You're sister on the other hand will also recieve judgement today." I growled as I transmuted more onto my scythe and swung it at him. He grabbed it and pulled me closer, opening his hand to grabbed my head, there was a gunshot and I landed on the ground right in front of the man.

We turned to see Riza, Mustang, and other military personnel. I watched as Mustang began to do something stupid and I sighed. His gloves are wet and he's trying to use his alchemy, which is creating fire, but since said gloves are wet, he can't transmute a spark.

They ran at each other and Riza tripped Mustang and opened fire on Scar, the man that was trying to kill us. I sighed again. Useless.

Then Armstrong, the Strongarm alchemist, came and tried to punch Scar.

"I'd like to see you try it!" For whatever reason... I giggled a little to myself, no one heard, and I was glad they didn't. Ed and I were then surrounded for protection purposes as Havoc told us that Scar killed Nina. I glared more and was tempted to transmute another scythe, when he escaped.

We hurried over to Al and he hit Ed.

"You were planning on sacrificing yourself if you were the only one he was targeting! Weren't you?" I glared at Ed. They started arguing, Al punched Ed again, and then his arm fell off.

"Aw great. Now my arms off because my brother is a big fat idiot!" I sighed as I kneeled next to Al and wrapped my arms around his empty shell of armour.

"We're really falling apart, aren't we brother." Riza, Armstrong, and Havoc came over to help cheer us up.

"Thank you Riza." She smiled at me.

"I'm glad you're alright. I'd miss having you around." I smiled. Then turned to Mustang and frowned a little. "Amy?"

"One sec." I walked over to him and transmuted a ball.

"Steel?" I got up to about 3 feet away and chucked it at his head, making solid contact with his forehead. "Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"I don't know, maybe my superior officer is an idiot who can't tell if it's raining or not?" He sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah yeah, don't remind me." I got up closer and grabbed onto his jacket.

"My brother intrusted me to you. What good is that if you're dead?" I felt some color come to my cheeks as he sighed and put a hand on my head gently.

"Yes Steel. I'm sorry." We went back to Mustang's office, where he told us about the Ishvalan Civil War and state alchemists role in it.

We were going to head home to get Ed's arm fixed, because even though I helped bring Al's soul back, we needed both of us to fix him.

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