~Countess 18~

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Her blade dug into the flesh of Connor, the blood pooling beneath his hand. Her dark eyes didn't shift once from his pain filled expression. Something about it was disturbing, more so than her actual actions. Her other hand, that had covered his mouth now stroke his cheek even as she jerked it out, and Connor cursed once more. Tears spilling down his cheeks, as she looked at Gryffin and Lex for help.

Gryffin didn't feel bad for the male, instead his eyes were focused on Countess. Every move she made, in her tender torture of the other male grew something he couldn't put a word to. No, he didn't want to put a word to it. Even though he wished to ignore it, it still grew to near choking.

He was jealous?

He felt envy that Connor was experiencing her pleasure in his pain. Her eyes piercing into his, he felt himself growing angrier as she continued pushing her body closer towards the male.


Jerking he eyes away from the site of Countess and her wicked smile, he met Lex's questioning look. "We're not going to stop her?!" Lex demanded, incredulous.

Slowly, coming back to himself Gryffin shook himself and moved forward his eyes hardening. "Countess, you have to stop—," "He's at the Marriot!"

Connor scream stopped Gryffin in his steps, he retreated into the wall as he lifted his hand up with blood sliding down his pale skin. "P-please, no more." He panted, licking his dry lips flicking his terrified gaze from Countess, to them. "Please, just-just get her away from me. I swear that's all I know, that he went to Marriot to meet the person wanting to buy. That's it!"

Gryffin glanced to Lex, he gave a short nod before rushing back to their cruise to make a call. Turning back, he watched as Countess stood smoothly the dagger hanging from her fingers. Her expression empty of emotion. Moving away from him, she turned to face Gryffin her brow creasing.

"I'm disappointed in you," she spoke to Connor, but her eyes were focused on Gryffin. "I thought you'd last longer."

Irritated Gryffin marched forward, his hand reached out for the dagger his bare hand wrapping around the blade. His other hand reached u behind her head, jerking close he claimed her lips. Demanding, and dominant he ignored the sharp sting of her teeth cutting his bottom lip. The panting broke the weeping of Connor who remained on the alley ground.

His heart raced, as his pulse heightened. Her scent reminded him blood and roses, her other hands remained at her side. She eagerly accepted his kis, the sloppy, wet delicious slide of tongue along tongue.

As the parted he lifted his hand that had wrapped around the blade, and lifting it he brought it up between them. His eyes burning into hers, he silently commanded her.

Her lips parted in a small smile, before she leaned forward her tongue reaching out she slowly licked along his life line. He shuttered, as it caused a shot of lust to hit him hard. He groaned, pushing against her as she continued to lick his red blood from his palm.

Pulling back, her red lips now reader from his blood her smile turned into a grin. "If you wished for my attention, you only have to ask."

His voice was guttural, as he leaned forward licking his blood from her bottom lips before drawing back. "You're pleasure, my pain...no one else in between."

Her lashes lowered, as she whispered, "Are you sure you wish to be my only toy?"

Before he could answer the question, they were interrupted by another person.

The Countess (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now