~Countess 15~

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Bodies cover the floor of the dinning room, and a few survivors stand against the wall. Their eyes transfixed on the dead.

Gryffin had realized in the middle of slaughter that nothing could stop it. When the male with tan skin, and long hair had pulled an arm clean out of it's socket he knew he dealt with something on whole other level.

As they bathed themselves in the blood of their enemies, he could see the excitement in the eyes of these demons who slaughtered, their eyes growing brighter at the cries of pain. He'd wanted to turn his back and run from the sight of it. The smells of it.

Yet his eyes had remained focused, captured by the sheer show of power. Something that he knew had cost these men's very soul. Something had been lost in exchange, for their life and loyalty. As each time they slaughtered they'd sought her, for her approval. For the simple wave of the hand, or elegant nod of the head.

But those burning eyes, that seemed so black they could swallow everything within him had remained on him. Taking in every flinch and blink, she'd watched as her own throat was sucked and licked upon. The male standing behind her, she'd chided calling him Tav, he'd ignored her glancing at him as if he could sense something from Gryffin himself, that he dared to not explore.

He had been crazy to offer himself up, to someone as soaked in the black as she. Her gown was mockery, it's ivory coloring slowly being splattered by blood during the culling.

She now lifted a hand towards the survivors, "I've shown you five mercy, even when I do not have to." Her voice was smooth, seductive like that of psyren. Were those ancient creatures of myth based upon her, "You have all ruled the America's believing it is your right, but it is not. It was privilege, a privilege we royals allowed you as you were the cast offs of reprobates, bastards. We showed pity upon you, but that has worn itself out. And now, we demand you bow beneath us-," she left the sentence, but her meaning was clear, and the five against the wall immediately went to their knees.

She rose, pulling away from Tav, as she walked around the table she moved towards them. Her lips barely moved, but it was enough to give off the impression of a smile. "Good, you are trainable." She stepped towards the female, in the center her hand gently touched her shoulder.

Gryffin felt the shiver she released, as she stiffened under Countess touch. "I desire to place you as a minor baron, you will observe the others and ensure they do not step out of line." The woman slowly lifted her gaze to Countess, and nodded, but the terror was clear as day in her eyes.

Leaning down, Countess brushed her lips against her cheeks and paused near her ear. Her lips moved, but none could hear what she said. As she drew back, the woman released a whimper of surprising need.

Retreating, "Kysharia, escort them out." Her expression turned cold once more, and as her man moved forward to remove the guest, she turned her attention to him.

Gryffin stiffened, realizing he was now the prime focus of the monster before him.


The scent of iron blood around me, continued to Test my control. I want him.

Desire, as I knew it was something I did not often deny myself.

He was not powerfully, or particularly talented, yet my very being screamed for his soul. Demanded his flesh, and blood. The twisted image, of his body spilling its red elixir upon my chest drew a tiny gasp from within.

Moving towards him, I couldn't help it. He smelled of everything I desired, sun and wind. Light, and honor, that which no longer existed in my life. I was a being of dirt and night, bound by death and oath.

A taste wouldn't hurt.

A small delicious scrape of teeth along his sun warmed skin wouldn't bind he or I, to each other. Yet, my womb called for his seed while my passage wished to filled by only him. No matter how thoroughly my Kysharia used me, I lay in my bed, fingers trailing my skin, my body crying out for the sensation of his warmth.

Madness, maybe.

Stopping an arm's length away from him, I could see his guard was up. But it appeared that he had a strong stomach, if he wished to help me pursue the father, he would need it. "I apologize for you wait," I never apologized, "Now that we are finished with the traitors, do you wish to continue our previous discussion."

His jaw hardened as he narrowed his eyes upon me, flicking them to the splatters of blood upon my gown before he met my blank eyes. "Yes, you stated that you would require my help in hunting the...father."

I nodded, not bothering to look at the Kaste servants who entered to remove the bodies. "Yes, he is using too many human channels for me to hunt him down without catching the attention of outsiders." I turned giving him my back, "If you would follow me I can explain it in more detail."

He did.

To my bedroom.


I hadn't intended truly on provoking him so, but...the scent of his arousal was as mouthwatering as his hate and disgust.

Desmonde didn't approve as she sponged the blood from my skin. I didn't heed it, instead I continued as if he wasn't standing on the other side of screen from my claw bath tub.

"You were saying...he's using human means?"

I nodded, "Yes, he isn't kidnapping anyone on his own. He is being provided his victims it seems, which is why I cannot sense his spike in excitement during hunting. He's not."

"Hunting?" I smiled at the question in his voice.

"Yes, when my kind hunts we release a certain energy, or smell, that alerts others that we've temporarily taken a territory." I waved Desmonde back, as I reached for a large, fluffy towel the water splashed as I rose, "I've only been coming upon his creations that hold a similar stench," my eyes hardened at that, "it's a very distasteful smell, but aside from those instances, I've little chance of capturing him." Truthfully, his death was my goal.

"So, your thinking maybe someone local is providing him with his victims, like black market."

"Yes," I answered as I stepped from the bath and began to dry off, "The rate of missing has increased, but I need someone within the police department to find the pattern and give said information to me."

He voice turned suspicious, "How do you know he's receiving people form the black market."

Finished drying, I dropped the towel and took the black silk robe from Desmonde, pulling it on I tied it as I stepped around the screen, catching him by surprise as he whirled around at the feel of my fingers along his neck. He jerked his hand up covering the spot I'd touched, "Because, it is how all vampires get their pound of flesh, especially if they wish to feed on human blood without royals knowing."

Moving past him, I took a seat at the vanity table, looking at him in the reflection I smirked, "But, you have offered yourself to me, so I will not be using their supply...right, Office Gryffin?" I taunted.

He stiffened at my words. 

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