~Countess 6~

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He looked at me as if I was crazy. 

Surely, my request wasn't all that weird. I mean, he was the one who'd interrupted my search for direction due to his own mysterious reasons. Though I had heard his friend make fun by calling him 'prince' if they knew what that title truly entailed they would not play at it. Shoving my hands deeper into the wide pocket of my sweater, I spoke again.

"I do not know the way." I reiterated, "if you wouldn't mind escorting me to my house. I would not mind paying." I added at his disgruntled look.

The one behind him laughed, but I didn't look at him. He wasn't the leader here, this one was. I could sense it in his dark-browns, and tall, leaned muscled body. My eyes had spotted him, and his barely contained aura of leashed power the minute I'd entered. As a predator I leaned early how to recognize another, when I saw it.

Though...he was only human, shame.

"No, can do." He abruptly dragging me from my deeper thoughts. His one held a twang, that I found to be common in this small city. "We're dropping this guy off at the precinct, and can't be taxing you around kid. Sorry." He added, as if in afterthought.

"I am not child." I snapped, irritated that he would allude to such a thing. "I am much older than I look."

He scoffed, clearly not believing my words. And for some reason, outside of my normal behavior I felt my facial expression shift into one of annoyance. Not many, would dare to annoy me...he was daring, even if his daring came from ignorance. Why had I not brought along the cell phone, Dismonde had insisted I use. I knew why, I despised the buzz of electricity against ym skin, as I was child created before the civil war the "new tech" was something I merely dealt with, I wasn't baron, or was it Prince Baron now?

"I've proof," and felt a small victory that I'd at least brought along the wallet she'd insisted I carry during my wanderings. "Here!" I held out my wallet towards him.

With a grumble, he snatched it form my hand. Rude man, if I ever got chance I would have him kneel, he rolled his eyes. He would kneel on glass.

He opened the wallet, but it wasn't my I.D he looked at first, but the money that layed inside. "What the hell is kid doing walking around with this much?!" He exclaimed, I guess carrying five-thousand dollars wasn't a custom here. Then his eyes narrowed on me, with suspicion which I met blankly.

"...My I.D, is that not what you wanted to see?" I said, not responding to the inquiry about the money. It wasn't any of his business, was it? "I don't believe the amount of cash is any of your concern...Gryf?" I tilted my head just so, letting my statement fall with an edge of taunting.

The male behind him stiffened, and stepped forward his aqua colored eyes looking from me to Gryffin. He too now looked weary, when he faced me beside his friend. "How did you know his name?"

I shrugged, "You both are very loud people, and I've good hearing." I left it there, leaving them suspicious and thrown off. Gryffin deserved it for his rudeness, but I had little time. Tonight I had to begin the extermination and this was drawing out my time. "As you can see," I said to Gryffin who'd squinted down at my I.D. before his eyes widened comically as he jerked his gaze to me.

"Your twenty-three?!" he exclaimed, the shock clear.

My lips curled up in Cheshire grin, and released a heavy sigh, "Does it not say that on the I.D? If it say's it, doesn't that mean it's true."

The heat his eyes grew at my words, before he reachd out and grabbed the back of my hoody. Shocked I pulled at his hold, "What are you doing?! Let me go!"

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