~Countess 11~

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A/N: I know this is trite, but comments help me know what you think. Please let me know. Thanks!


"Human passion is so very confusing," I spoke aloud, brushing my hands along the cool sheets of the bed I sat upon. The flickering of the passing cars below, as they crossed over the river captured my eyes. The very nature of the sight, implied life even when one was completely alone. "I do understand it to a point, we are all hungry...every creature's hungers for food, kindness...touch," I exhaled imagining the feel of another's fingers against my skin. I shifted, so that I could look at the couple seated on the bed. The female's eyes were wide with fear, her skin blotchy. She struggled against the binds that held her still.

She was a pretty thing, delicate...a woman who needed protection. No wonder the cop loved her, or believed he did. In one glance I could see he enjoyed being the hero. I pursed my lips and looked at the male she'd been vigorously riding a few minutes before I'd arrived.

He wasn't as handsome as the cop, infact as I raked him with my eyes he smelled akin to a pig. Releasing a sigh in disappointment I turned my eyes to the female. "tsk, I truly do not understand what you find so satisfying in this one," I looked back at him. He stiffened, and whimpered, his sweat slicked skin seeming to grow shinier in his fear of me. His eyes shifted to the corner, ah! Maybe he wasn't truly afraid of me but of my demon Kshariya...Roman had not been kind in roping the other male.

Glanced down at his clear arousal that had been left out, it seemed to harden as I stared at it. My lips curled with amusement, "Oh, maybe I can guess."

"He comes countess," A voice spoke from the door, another Kshariya. This one was a pale beauty, soft yet broken. His eyes were grey, as he was blind...not truly, while my blood can heal most anything, his eyes would never regain the clear color. My Kshariya were odd, none of there eyes were normal...but it mattered little as they followed my orders, and had yet showed any rebellious attitude, well except.

I glanced at roman, who met my stare with an defiant edge almost as if he knew me to be thinking of him. Naughty man, making me feel that familiar need to dominate, and command. I clicked my teeth and stood, walking with no sound towards Romon. Reaching up, I pulled a piece of his hair gently between my fingers.

"You and Austin, will leave and await us below." He stiffened, slowly I moved my eyes from his hair to his eyes. Forcing my will onto him, he sucked in a quick breath. The sound of his thundering heart, my orchestra, "Do it."

Giving a jerky nod, he stepped out of my reach muttering something under his breathe he and Austine disappeared from sight.

"Children," I said aloud, turning to look with exasperation at the couple. "they are so stubborn. It will take me a long while before I will be able to control them."

Bringing my hand together in front of me, I tilted my head. "Now, let us greet your love...Jessica dear."


Gryffing stormed into his apartment, only to feel the familiar sensation of a clamping locking around his throat and legs. His eyes widened as he focused on the image on the bed, his girlfriend. The woman he'd sworn to Lex over and over again, was loyal and honest. Sat nude, her brown hair mused around her head, her eyes wide with fear and red as if she'd been crying the entire time.

Her body was wrapped with what looked like rope, and she sat still, stiff. His eyes moved to the male, who looked the same only he was sweating profusely, and someone had cruelly tied a bit of rope around his dick. It was turning an angry red color, and his lashes fluttered as his body was going into shock.

Gryffin felt more that saw the other presents, like a shadow that slowly came into focus. The young woman, he'd thought no younger than nineteen stepped before him and smiled. Her white teeth, pretty but cold.

He jerked, only to experience the sensation of slamming into a wall.

His jaw was frozen, as he attempted to yell and shout, nothing came out.

"It hurts, I know." The voice didn't sound pitying, it was devoid of emotion. "I wasn't intending on coming to you in such a way, but...you are a nuisance." Here the bitches turned exhausted. "Honestly, simply killing you would rid me of any issue."

His view was field with gentle boning, soft lips and deep night colored eyes. "That would be easier," a light hand brushed his cheek before cuping his jaw. "Only, that isn't how I wish to live. You and I both want to same thing, a killer brought to justice and the of your city to be rid of a menace."

She drew her hand along his jaw, down to his throat. Her eyes narrowing on it, "I've thought it over, and it would serve me far better to use you. After all, you are the authority here and during the day it would be difficult for me to travel."

Gryffin wanted to lunge at her and tear her limb from limb but he couldn't escape what ever hold she had over him. She smiled in amusement, as if she could read his thoughts her eyes searching his face.

"...With you woman now gone," she glanced at the couple on the bed, "You will be more focused." Her expression turned serious, "and you will have to be very, very serious if you wish to catch Father."

She dropped her hand, and took a step back. "You can find me when you've awaken, don't be too long...I can be impatient at times." With that softly spoke warning, she turned leaving the bedroom.

Dizzy, Gryffin staggered forward catching himself on he door with a curse. Growling, he ignoring the moaning of the two on the bed and ran towards the door, chasing after the woman who seemed to determined to change his life.

Just as he reached the exit, he heard the roar of an engine and just as he crossed the doorway he spotted their vehicle driving away.

Releasing a roar, he glared after them.

She wanted to meet? Find, he wouldn't meet her. And she better be ready. With another curse, he turned on his heel and headed back up to confront his cheating girlfriend and his next-door neighbor.


"Do you think the man will come?"

I smiled, as the water dripped from the faucet. The steam curling into the air, soothed the restless spirit within. The wax had a hardened in crimson lines along the porcelain sides of the large tub. The smell of apple, and cinnamon filled the air, my favorite scent. Though the scent of tabacco was more reminiscent of home.


She looked away from where she'd been looking, there were three men who'd been sent. One of them were going to join me, but Desmonda had strict rules about picking my food from the streets. She knew I wouldn't kill them, I always picked good looking...desperate. Desperate enough to sign a contract, and to keep their lips sealed.

I won't feign innocence...why would you expect such a thing from a creature such as I?

"Have you found them yet?"

She stiffened and tightened her hand on her cane while straightening. "...Two...both female."

I silently brushed a piece of soap from my shoulders, "and..."

She tapped the cane with her heavily ringed fingers, "They are not...doing well," her mouth worked over the words, as if she deeply wished she wasn't tied by loyal blood to me. "....I do not think it is wise-"

"I did not ask you," I said, motioning towards one of the man. "Him, his eyes are clear."

The one in the center rose, and willingly walked towards me and the dark urges that laid within.

He would experience the greatest pleasure, and...the greatest pain.


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