~Countess 9~

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Gryffin stared at the blank faced women with horror. His hands tightened on the gun in his hands, and he swallowed jerking his eyes from her to the burning house. He knew what he should do, he should march over to his car and jerk the radio out to call for the fire department followed by the ambulance. But he was frozen, his hand slightly started to shake as his lips parted.

She spoke again, "Have you not seen a fire before Detective Gryffin?"

It was soft, and smooth, wrapping around his stiffened limbs. He went to snap his response, only for his jaw to lock.

She blinked innocently at him, those black eyes shinig like opals. "Oh my, are you alright officer?"

She shifted the child in her arm higher, as she walked towards him.

The sensation more like a predator encroaching upon the territory of it's prey. She moved silently, "I'm sure you've been told to not follow me, and yet..." She trailed off, the corner of her lips lifting in an semblance of amusement, "I wonder why you're so fiercely following me, though of course it might have something to do with the hint I left so clearly for you."

When she reached him Gryffin felt his lurch as his hands came apart the gun in his hands falling to the sidewalk. She glanced at it, before looking back up at him. A look of solemnness taking over her face, "...Stop, becoming my shadow will not appease what is inside you."

The empty darkness shifted around them, as the ground moved. The ends of her gown seemed to become smoke, as her hand reached up brushing his chin. Her palm was cold, and penetrated to the bone. The pressure making him shiver, "Do you know what lies in your future if continue this game?" she asked, her voice soft and foreign. A flash of white teeth, caught his eye and his limbs loosened a bit.


With that clipped word spoken, she melted from sight her eyes the last thing to disappear before Gryffin felt his a rolling sensation hit him. Falling to his knees, his entire body heaved. The contents of his lunch splashing against the sidewalk. A cold sweat covered his skin, as he continued till he was only heaving up air. His stomach cramping as he fell back landing on his bottom. He lefted a trembling hand to his mouth, his eyes shaking so frantically that he closed his eyes against the spinning.


Hearing his name, and someone running up behind him. He turned around, only to squint his eyes at the bright lights of emergency vehicles and loud sirens. Confused, he staggered to his feet.

"Are you alright man?!"

Lex, came up to him his expression seeming to take a minute to come into focus. He rested a hand on Gryffins back. "I can't believe this shit," he looked up and at something behind Gryfinn. "It must've been a really fucked up sight, if you lost your composure."

"S-she...She..." he tried to get the words out, but the cramping I his stomach tightened and grimaced. "W-hat happened?"

Lex, startled by his question paused, moving to stand in front of him. He placed to comforting hands on Gryffins shoulders. "Gryff, man, you can't tell this got your mind all scrambled?" Gryffin look up at hi confused, "what?"

"Shit! Look, remember you left to go look after that weird lady we met at the bar."

He nodded.

"Well, you came to this house believing she was here, but she wasn't...instead you walked in on the father in the middle of his 'work' then you called me..." Lex shook his head, "I got here as quick as I could, but it was already clear he'd finished his project. You were knocked out here."

He squinted his eyes at Gryff, "Remember?'

Gryffin shook his head, pushing Lex's hands away, "No, that's not—." He turned, blindly running back towards the house. He hadn't entered, he was never inside. Yet, he felt as if everything was De-javu as he climbed the steps and stepped inside. The iron smell hit his nose, making his stomach roll but he tighten his stomach. Not bothering to look at the forensic team as they moved around, he turned into the living room. An there behind the carnage of blood ad guts stood out in thick, dried blood a name he knew all to well.

"In thys fathers name I Christian ye...Jesus reborn in night—Fahter"

In disbelief Gryffin felt his head tighten, until it felt like drill was being pushed into it, and the next he knew he was waking up in the hospital bed.


"The boy has been placed comfortably?"

Countess asked, from where she stood in front of the window watching the branches stir as the sun grew closer to rising.

Desmonda nodded, her gnarled fingers tightening on the short cane. "...The Nephilim will never have a normal life, you will endanger your title with saving him."

"Hmm, and not endanger an entire town if those of light came to punish the Naidi for killing a child. Out of all the choices, this was the best one." I turned only my head, to meet Desmonda's displeased expression. "Do you not believe me capable of making this decision?"

After a long silence Desmonda shook her head, "I believe you capable, but...human children are you're weakness." She softened her expression, looking at me as if I were her child. "You would have done so I there was no law."

Desmonda knew me well, I turned my eyes back to the dying night. How I wished to spare all children from pain, it was a desire of a sin painted monster, yet it remained inside me. Something from my former life I could never leave.

"Is this the only reason you've come to me at this time?"

Kaster, and Desmonda who served me knew I preferred to be in solitude during this period. The quiet would engulf me, and my heart and for a moment my eyes could take in the beauty the humans loved. The beauty that for them came bright colors, and sharp contrasting shades. In those seconds, I could even swear my heart beat returned.

"The Kshariya, he has finished choosing they are in the basement awaiting you."

"Ah," was all that I said. Kshariya once given a drop of blood form their new master, needed to run through the madness that came with it. A sexual, aggressive madness that could, if they were not locked away; have them rampaging, killing and raping anyone insight. They were the closet one could compare to demons.

"So it is time," I said turning my eyes back to the window as the soft song of life began beyond the darken walls of this new home of mine. "Then...Let us begin."

Turning away from the window, I made my way below.


Stepping nude into the room, I could feel immediately feel the coating of mad rage and sexual energy swirling around me. The rosary tapped against my chest, the open robe I wore the merest form of covering. Not that I needed it, these were my children, my men, my soldiers.

These creatures were my creations, and I would be the source of their pain and pleasure.

Moving to the center of the room, I could feel them as they circled around me. Their arousal clear to my eyes, but the focuse of my eyes were on the one I knew to be their pack leader. He was the strongest in his rage and hatred. "You...come."

He growled, his reddened eyes flashing before the color dulled to a flat brown. That was interesting, red wasn't a common color for our kind...was it for Kshariya, their nature wasn't to be confused with ours. No, these men I had here were special.

Reaching up, I grabbed the end of the rosary and jerked down hard. "Nu vă salutați pe mama voastră?" (Will you not greet you mother?)

With the steady rhythm of the dropping beads hitting the ground, they lunged. The night swallowed me, and my body went under the sea of men. I would mark them, claim them and then train them.

Pain, pleasure.... were all the same in this beautifully damned world I lived within.

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