~Countess 8~

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The minute the smell of the natives left, I lifted my hand for Duke to take.

"You should not allow them to provoke you," his tone was cool but I knew it to be chiding for my behavior.

I allowed a smile to slip past my stiff lips, "Maybe I am growing a bit wild...because of the air."

"Not likely," Barn scoffed coming to my side, he took my hand from Duke and brought it to his lips, "Dear mother, your fury was delightful to see."

I allowed him to brush his lips my skin, and gently removed it once he was done. "I was not as angry as you both believe," Glancing towards the open glass door, where the natives had all slipped into the moon beams that now were dimmed swallowed by the true owner of night. "We cannot allow them to think, for even a second that we are not capable of protecting ourselves."

Focusing back on the two men I gathered my hands before me, "Your plane shall be leaving soon, it is time we parted."

Duke gave a stiff nod, but he seemed loathed to leave me alone. I wondered at this, as I'd assumed that the vampire would eagerly go his own way. Awe, poor Duke was always intent on keeping his honor, even if that honor was smudged by his true nature every once and while "Go," I said turned my attention to Baron, who had no shame and openly showed his displeasure in leaving me alone to manage the entirety of the south, "Years ago you're concern would have been needed, but not now... my people, and I have changed." My eyes brightened.

Stiffly Duke gave a nod leaning forward he brushed his lips against my cheek, and drawing back he quickly left. His booted feet clipping sharply against the marbled floor, it would have been feint to a human but to me it felt like a constant drumming.

"I will miss you," Baron said aloud once Duke had left our sights, "The native's think we just come and kill and leave, but we must remain to bring order to the night." He sighed brushing a frustrated hand through his unruly hair, "I dinna sign up fer this." He grumbled, but a look of eager bloodlust flashed in his eyes. "I've need of some entertainment."

"Do not harm the innocent, not even by accident." I said sternly, glaring up at him. "We may be vampires, soulless creatures but our death did not kill our brains no matter how the human world see's us, do no draw unwanted attention especially, not the welves."

"Welves?" He asked blankly.

I sighed, my son never read his misson folders. "Werewolves, elves, lykan...other less..vampires, everyone else," I waved a hand, pursing my lips, "All those outside the larger nations of begins are known as Welves."

He nodded sagely at my knowledge, "Okay, okay I'll make sure to stay away from the wild americans." Giving a pat to my shoulder, he quickly left.

I wasn't sure if he would listen to my advise, or go out of his way to harass the Welves, after all he was Scottish, and born in Inverness which made him a highlander to the core.

Sighing, I made my way to my chambers I would need much rest if I was going to return to hunting tomorrow night.


"So, you pissed off the captain."

Was the first thing Lex said to Gryffin as he entered the main office room. Where Gryffin had been assigned as punishment for bringing the "Countess". He glared at his partner, "And a fuck you too."

"Now, now, don't get your panties in a twist," Lex said mockingly, as he took a seat across from him. Lifting his feet he rested them on the edge of Gryffins desk, "So, what are you going to do next? They brought in another body...same markers." Suddenly the tension in the air grew.

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