~Countess 14~

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Humans cringe away from these things, while creatures of the night embrace them. The sight of Valdstine men hanging from the windows. Each males gut had been slit open, their black blood covered the building. The affect made it appear as if the building itself wept blood. Beautiful.

At times I wondered at how far I had fallen. The thing I had become no longer sought redemption or forgiveness. Why should I? My soul had already left it's shell, the body was what was left.


I glance over my shoulder, the Kysharia stood around it. Their eyes boring into my back, desire, hunger and rage warred in their mines. The fight had only scratched the surface of their desire to battle and spill blood.

Turning around fully I met Romano's gaze, "I know what it is you want."

He lifted his chin, acknowledging my statement his eyes flashing red.

I walked towards him, each step forcing the beast deeper and deeper down. "You want blood. You crave violence." Stopping in front of him I searched his blank expression, seeing everything yet nothing. "I would give you it, only -," I glanced at the others, before meeting his bland eyes once more. "Are you strong enough to control yourselves beyond my reach?"

He stiffly nodded, his nostrils flaring at the scent of freedom in the air.

Lifting a hand, I pressed it against his hot flesh. His heart pounded, resembling war dumbs of the old world. It called to a savage part of me, the female who craved to dominated and conquered. Only these men served me, and I was the dominant one here. "Seek those who would betray me. It seems while many have sworn loyalty, they've lied."

I hated liars, petty false hoods often created far large problems. I would rule the south, I would own their loyalty whether it was freely given or not. I had allowed them their freedom, and one of their betrayed me. A bastard child of a Nobel dared to touch what was mine.

A hand covered my hand, my thoughts had showed themselves as I had clawed my nails into Romano's chest. Pulling it back, they drew out like long needles. My nails had lengthened in my fury, he didn't blink. Lifting them to my lips, I licked his blood off shuddering at the peppery flavor of fury.

Closing my eyes, I exhaled lowering my hand to my side. "You and the others will go, and bring to me those who claimed loyalty. But first find out if they have adhered to my rules...if not," the black of my eyes spread swallowing the whites. "Bring them to me." I hissed.


Gryffin knew what he would do the minute he saw the new folder on his desk. The bastard had struck again, three bodies now awaited to be identified by their families.

Slamming his fist on the desk, he plopped down his frustration for all to see. Though most avoided his eyes, even his body didn't say anything to him. Lex didn't really say anything as he headed out, with another cop to their regular beat.

He wanted to strangle that bitch who hid secrets in her dark stare. Yet, he could only be grateful that someone, anyone had a glimpse into this maniac.

Even if the person with the key appeared to be devil herself.

He closed his eyes, mentally prepping himself to look at the pictures. He could do this, he would catch the fucker and he would take her methesulah deal and claim the mans head.

Opening his eyes, he opened the folder and went back to reading the case file.

His eyes were clear, and mission focused when a few minutes later and rose from the with file and hand and headed out.

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