Sick - Baby!Luke

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Prompt: Can you do a cake one, where Luke is the baby and he's sick but hides it and accidentally throws up on calum, he cries then calum comforts him and checks his temperature and luke has a fever, than Calum gives him medicine and comforts him? Sorry it's so long but I love your one shots c;

a/n; baby luke is adorable zhfjshsi.

Luke - headspace of a 2 yr/o

Calum - Daddy


Luke woke up feeling horrible. His tummy hurt and he was all sweaty.

"Daddy!" He cried out, sitting up. Calum came rushing into the room, standing by Luke's crib.

"Hey baby, you wanna get out?"

Luke nods holding his arms up, Calum picks him up, taking him downstairs.

"What do you want for breakfast Lukey? Pop tarts or Toast?" Calum asks.

Luke doesn't want anything, he doesn't know if he could stomach it, but he settles for a chocolate pop tart anyway. Calum puts it in the toaster and when it pops up, he puts it on a plate and gives it to Luke, who it's eat very slowly.

"I done Daddy." Luke mumbles, feeling even more sick than before, Calum picks him up from the high chair and hold him on his hip.

Luke didn't even know it was going to happen at that moment, but his stomach lurched along with his body and he vomited down Calum's back. Luke blinked a few times before bursting into tears.

"I sowwy Daddy!" He cried.

"Aw Luke, it's okay." Calum whispered, setting Luke on the floor so he could take off his vomit covered shirt. Calum goes upstairs for a second, coming back down with the thermometer to check Luke's temperature. Unwillingly, Luke allows Calum to stick the thermometer under his tongue.

"Lukey, you've got a bit of a fever." Calum sighs, he picks Luke up, taking him to the kitchen to get the medicine.

"I no want that." Like sobs, pushing the medicine away.

"It'll make you better." Calum says, quickly shoving the spoon into Luke's mouth. Thankfully Luke doesn't spit it out.

"Let's go have a cuddle babe."

Luke nods, Calum takes Luke to the couch, and straight away Luke curls into Calum's chest.

"I sowwy I getted sick on you.." Luke blushed.

"You didn't mean it baby."

The pair stay like that for the rest of the day, cuddling and watching movies. Cuddles from his Daddy (and medicine) always made Luke feel better.


a/n; so i'm australian and pop tarts aren't really a thing here, they only just came out in our major supermarkets and i'm yet to try them, so sorry if they aren't cooked in the toaster i honestly have no idea hahaha. THANK YOU FOR 100 VOTES ALREADY IM SO HAPPY LIKE I HAVENT EVEN HIT 1k READS YET BUT YOU GUYS VOTE WHICH IS GREAT.

this is super duper short, so i do apologise. (but there's not many ways I could've made it longer anyway)

please leave prompts! (:

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