Leaky Pull-Up - Baby!Luke

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Prompt: can you please do one where Luke's nappy keeps leaking?? love your writing :)

a/n; sure thing, haha thank you! but, I did change it up a bit and made it so his pull-up leaks and they put him into nappy's instead because it makes more sense that way. (:

Luke - headspace of a 2 yr/o

Ashton - Daddy

Michael - Dada

Calum - Papa


Luke was playing outside in the grass with his toy trucks. He was sitting in an extremely soaked pull-up but he didn't want to leave his trucks, so he didn't ask for a change. A little while later the front of Luke's pants start to get wet. He had wet his already soaked pull-up. Luke sighed, getting up off the ground he waddled over to where Ashton was hanging up some washing on the clothesline.

"Daddy, accident." Luke mumbled, Ashton turned to face the younger boy, quite surprised when he saw the pull up had leaked.

"Let's get you cleaned up then hey."

Ashton took Luke inside and stripped his pants and pull-up off, wiping down his sticky legs. Ashton put a fresh Elmo pull-up on Luke, then a new pair of jeans.

"Next time please tell me, Dada or Papa when you're wet love." Ashton smiles, "Now off you go." Ashton taps his bum, sending him back to play.


Luke's pull-up leaked again that night. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, sniffling.

"Daddies!" He cried out. Michael entered Luke's room, standing by his crib.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?"

"I wet." Luke mumbles. Michael picks Luke up, cringing when he realises Luke's pull-up had leaked. He checks Luke's crib and thankfully it's still dry.

Michael changes Luke, putting him back to bed.


The next morning at breakfast, Michael told Calum and Ashton that Luke's pull-up had leaked during the night.

"It leaked during the day yesterday too." Ashton said.

"Maybe we should put him in nappies?" Calum suggested. The two other boys agree.

Calum goes to the store and comes back with a few packs of thick nappies.

"Ash you should put the first one on him." Michael says, "he's closest to you."

Ashton nods, taking a nappy from the packet, then picking Luke up off the floor in the lounge. He takes Luke up to his room and lays him on the change table, slipping of the jeans and the wet pull-up. Ashton lifts Luke's legs up, sliding the padded nappy beneath his bum. He tapes the tabs on the front then puts Luke's jeans back on.

"Daddy whats dis?" Luke asks.

"It's a nappy babe, you have too many accidents to be in pull-ups." Ashton says, picking Luke up.

"But I like pull-ups."

"These will be better for you munchkin."


a/n; really crappy ending whoops, and it was short. but please leave comments and vote for this. thank you for everything so far! (:

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