brett [bb20]

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it was a casual day in the house, not much going on. no veto, no nomination ceremony, and no hoh competition. it was pretty dull if you ask me. now, when things get this dull i like to spice things up, literally.

i walk into the kitchen, it still being pretty early in the morning so not many houseguests were awake. the only person that i saw awake, or that was walking around the house was kaycee. her pinwheel of doom curse was finally over, im not a fashionista, but i gotta say that unitard would have not been my first choice for clothing options.

"good morning," i greet her as she's making breakfast. "hey y/n, what's up?" she asks, "well, now that you mention it i think that we could have some fun," she gives me a weird look as if she's asking what i'm up too. i continue, "since nobody else is up yet, or at least that i've seen, i think it might be a little fun to pull a prank on someone," i suggest

"i like the sound of where this is going," she comments, "who do you have in mind?" she says with a smirk on her face. "well, i was thinking brett... what do you think?" i casually suggest. okay the truth is is that i kinda maybe sort of think that brett is attractive, i mean how can you not? plus, he has an amazing body, no one can deny that. he also has a great personality.

"yea, i'm down," she replies. "this is going to be so much fun!" i yell in a hushed tone. i do not need any other houseguests waking up now and spoiling my plans, that would not be good for business. i tip toe over to the fridge and grab a can of whipped cream. "can you grab a paper plate?" i ask her and she heads over to the storage room and grabs a paper plate.

"will you do the honors?" i ask her and hand her the can of whipped cream. "gladly," she puts her finger down on the can and starts making a large pile of the whipped cream on the plate. whipped cream is great, so if this prank goes wrong at least it'll taste good, right?

once we've pretty much emptied the can, we set it on the counter and slowly head over to the bed room. as we're walking down the hallway, scottie is just getting up. he gives us a weird look and kaycee puts a finger to his lips to make sure he doesn't say anything. he just shrugs and keeps on walking, probably to the kitchen.

my free hand goes to the door handle and slowly opens it, making sure to not make any noise while im opening the door. i motion for kaycee to follow me and walk into the room, leaving the door cracked just in case we need to get a quick getaway.

i look down and brett is sleeping in the bed on the farthest side of the room. i find it almost ironic because the guy hates pink and yet he's sleeping in a pink ombre bed.

we creep over to his bed, no i promise you we're not stalkers. i look over at kaycee and she holds up three of her fingers signaling a countdown. three... two... one... i smash the plate filled with whipped cream in his face.

"what the- y/n!" brett yells, not very happy of his wake up call. "someone's not happy," i comment to kaycee before i get the hell out of that room. i get to the kitchen and i can't help laughing. "did you see his face?" kaycee nods, "oh my god that was great," she laughs.


later that day


kaycee and i have been hanging out pretty much the whole day together. we were sitting in one of the seats up by the hoh room playing a game of chess. now, i'm not the greatest chess player but you can bet that i'm very competitive.

"check mate," kaycee says, a smile on her face. "damn it," i mumble under my breath. long story short i did not win that game. "rematch? i swear that one was just a practice round," i insist. "sure, okay, whatever you say," she remarks, obviously confident in her chess skills.

i pick up my knight and move it to a different sqaure on the board, i look over at kaycee and her eyes slightly move up, but slowly flash back down to the board- i think nothing of it. she moves one of her pawns, and just as i pick up another one of my pieces, freezing ice water gets dumped on my head.

"brett!" i turn around and start to chase him around the house, my clothes now completely soaked, not to mention my hair. i look back and see that winston's with him to, he heads out to the backyard and i follow him.

"revenge is sweet," he looks back and sends me an innocent smile. "ha ha, very funny," i say through gritted teeth. i'm pretty sure at this point he started slowly down on purpose and letting me catch up to him. i ran up to him and lightly hit his chest. "ugh, you're such a jerk," i complain. "funny hearing that coming from you," he slyly comments.

"hey, i put edible food in your face, i didn't dump a whole bucket on ice water on someone!" i protest. "well, ya'know i kinda like seeing this side of you," he says quietly. now that really puzzles me, "what do you mean?" i question. "i mean without all of the makeup and hairdo and you just being yourself in having fun," he says geniunely.

"you call this 'having fun'?" i sassily respond pointed at my soaked clothing. "well maybe not to you, but to me it is," he laughs a little at his own joke. "you're so not funny," i scoff and look to see that we're the only two houseguests in the backyard.

"well i have an idea of fun that might just interest you," again, this boy is very confusing. "hmm?" i hum at him. he slowly leans in and places a sweet small kiss on my lips. wait. what just happened???

"what do you think?" he says quietly. i'm honestly speechless. "uh," i'm at a loss for words. "truth is," he leans in so that he's talking in a whisper even though there's no one even near us. "i think that you are the most beautiful houseguest ever in all twenty seasons of big brother," dang, this guy is smooth.

"thank you," is all i can barely get out. a small smile appearing on my lips. "you're not to bad yourself," he smiles at my comment to. "well, except for the fact that you dumped a bucket of ice water on me," he chuckles at this.

i look into his blue dreamy eyes, "can we try that again," i suggest looking down at the ground. "of course," was his immediate response. our lips locked and i swear there must be a whole mob of butterflies in my stomach the way that this guy makes me feel. but it was cut short.

"GUYS! Y/N AND BRETT JUST KISSED! I KNEW IT!" kaycee annouces to the whole house, a smirk on her face. i smile to myself, but now theres a lot of work to do because i do not need a larger target on my back, but i hope that brett is also thinking about a showmance because i'm willing to risk my game for him.


word count: 1270

author's note: hope all you brett fans liked this one. and don't worry i haven't forgotten all of those of you who requested and haven't seen their imagine yet, i promise i'm getting to them!

also, thank you guys for all of your support and keep on leaving requests, comments and voting! seriously, each and everyone makes my day. thanks so much for reading!

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