paul [bb19]

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*this is a disclaimer for the chapter, sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days, but this one takes place right at the beginning of the game, right after Paul came into the house and everyone was introducing themselves.


"Hey guys! I'm y/n, I'm 23, live in Philadelphia and own my own bakery," I announce to the group. I honestly can't believe that I'm on Big Brother! I've watched the show every since I was 9 with my family. To be quite honest though, there was a good looking cast this year, especially the guys.

"Wait, one question," Paul asked. How could you not remember Paul from last season? The guy was fricken hilarious! "Sure," I respond to his comment. "Are you single?" Wait. Why is he asking this? "Um... yeah. Why?" I curiously ask as I scratch the back of my neck. "Just curious," he casually responds and sends a smirk your way. As the rest of the people in the house start to introduce themselves, you tend to zone out, and your focus mainly stays on Paul.

Before you know it, one of the guys, Josh your name was pretty sure, grabbed a bottle of champagne from the kitchen, and popped the cork off the bottle and everyone raised their glasses. "To Big Brother!" Someone yelled, and hoots and hollers coming from everyone. By the end of the night, everyone was slightly intoxicated, and there ended up being three bottles of booze in the trash. Oh well! Can't we give our hats off to Big Brother?

Later that night, Julie addressed the house, saying that Paul had the power to save 8 of us from eviction, ensuring that we wouldn't get evicted on the first night, and we had to do so by bribing him or convincing him, was her words to give up a friendship band.

There was practically a line waiting outside the lounge room that literally just had apples lining one of the walls. Once it looks like everyone's out, I try my luck and knock on the door. I hear a rather bored, "Come in," from Paul, and make my way in the room and sit down on the plush chair in the corner. "So let me get to the point. You're probably bored and tired of people coming up to you and promising you things that they can't guarantee. For example, telling you that they'll keep you safe when they obviously won't. Telling you that they want you in there alliances, which is probably not true. So on and so forth. I just wanna be one hundred percent real with you, I'm not gonna kiss anyone's a*s to stay safe. So, I totally get it if you'd rather take someone who could promise you something to be safe," I start to get up, and Paul makes a comment as my hand reaches the doorhandle, "Don't worry a thing, baby girl," I turn around and he winks at me. Damn, this is what he must've said to all the other girls.

When I step out of the room, even though it's the first day, I need to get out of these dresses. They are not my thing. I'm more of a casual person, so I head up into the rose room, where my bed is, and grab my favorite pair of sweatpants and a lavander tee shirt and throw it on. I also take my hair out of it's intrecit design, and put my h/c hair into a messy bun.

Ugh, I literally just realised how hungry I am right now. To be quite honest, I'm in the mood for something cheesy. I do make a good ultimate grilled cheese though. Sounds good to me. I get all my things situated, and look actually decent, I decide to head downstairs to the pantry to grab the ingreadents so I can make myself dinner.

I walk down the hall, and enter the pantry. Let's see, I need bread, cheese, bacon, and spinach. I start looking for the cold ingreadents first, and open the fridge door. Wow, the whole thing is literally stockpilled to feed a whole army! This might take a while, considering that I'm not the best person at finding things...

Just when I'm about done with gathering all the ingreadents, the pantry door swings open and Cody walks in. "Hey Cody, what's up?" I ask to break the ice. Cody is more of a reserved person if you will, so I take it upon myself to iniate the conversation or else it get's very awkward, very quickly.

"I came in here to talk to you, y/n," he says. Half paying attention to what he was saying, you focus on finding these ingreadents. "Damnit," you mumble when it takes a while to find the cheese. You'd think it'd be in an obvious place but noooo, it just had to be buried in the very back of the fridge.

"So I wanted to make a bet," he says casually, "Sure," I say, more focused on my finding my food then actually caring what Cody says. Come on, Food>Strangers, aren't I right? "So I actually want to make a deal with you," he reaches down in his pocket and takes out a quarter, "So, heads or tails?" he asks. Personally, I believe that heads is super bad luck, so we're going with tails. "Tails," I say. Okay, I finally found all the cold ingreadents, time to get the bread and then we're ready to go.

He takes the coin in his hand, and flips it, the clattering of the coin colliding with the ground echos around the small room. "Tails, you win," he locks his eyes with mine, holding out his hands to show me that he wasn't lying. "Cool, what do I win?" I ask him curiously. Okay, I know I have like a super bad memory, and I wasn't really paying attention to anything that he was saying before. whoops. "This," he whispers huskily, and before I have time to respond, he crashes his lips against mine, and his hands move down to my hips, pushing me against the wall, and I instantly push away. "What the F*CK CODY?" I scream at him, yet he only has a crooked smirk on his face. "I guess you didn't listen to what I said closely enough. Tails, I'm yours, so here I am," he smiles. "F*ck you Cody," I say disgusted at his actions. For pete's sake, it's only the first night. "I'd enjoy that, see you tonight," he winks at you and walks out.

What the hell just happened. God, I hate my hormones. Well, the only person here who actually has experience on showmances is the vet in the house, Paul. Hey, I get that some of the girls here have been in previous relationships, but none of them have personally been around showmances on Big Brother, and with the amount of them last year, I feel pretty confident about Paul's knowledge and experience.

I tap on the door outside the apple room, hoping that Paul's still in there, and thankfully he is, and even better alone. I sit down in the big, blue wavy lounge that pretty much takes up the entire room. "Hey Paul, can I get your advice," I ask him cautiously, "Sure baby girl," and once he says that, everything just starts flowing out about the whole scene with Cody, how he made the bet, then kissed me and all that jazz. Once I was done with my rant, I honestly have no clue how he actually listened, or atleast pretened like he listened through that whole thing. One thing about me is that I have like a super short attention span. "So, um I just'd like your advice on the whole situation, 'cuz it's the first night and I don't want to mess up the rest of my game based on this. Paul locks his eyes with me, and then casually swings his arm over the backrest on the couch.

"Well first off y/n, my advice for you would be to move out of that city, Philly, and come over here to live in Cali. The first moment I saw you, you looked like a Cali girl to me for sure, not some high strung city girl,"

"Hey!" I shout at him, "Maybe if you actually lived in the good 'ol city of Philadelphia, you wouldn't be tarnishing it's name. Have you ever even had a Philly Cheesesteak or a Philly Soft Pretzel, those things are like heaven to me," I state, clearly defending my hometown.

"Well, have you checked out their sport's teams? Last time I checked, the Phillies were the worst in the league..." he says trailing off to try to leave a lasting impression. "And, if you'd like to talk about how great the teams are, go and talk to Alex, she's an Eagles fan," (if y'all didn't know she actually said she was during live feeds)

"Can we just get back to the topic at hand?" I suggest rather annoyed, and he nods. "Anyways, l think that your best move would be-" But I can't even hear a word he's saying, his eyes are so dreamy, and-. But before I know it, im leaning in and... kissing him? But suprisengly, he doesn't break away. The literal whole Fourth of July is going off in my stomach right now. But before the moment has even begun, he breaks away. "I should not have done that, should not have done that," he mumbles regreatengly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Why not?" I oppose him. "You know why, I'm a vet and showmances will only make the big red bulleye on my back bigger, and I can't risk to lose this second chance," 'oh' I mouth, but then an idea comes to my head. "Well, no ones has to know," I suggest, and a smirk plays on his lips. "Well, I could get used to that," he suggests rather seductively.

authors note: so hey if y'all didn't know i actually live pretty close to Philadelphia, so I thought I'd add some humor in there. keep on voting, commenting & requesting. love ya'
~ val

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