josh [bb19]

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disclaimer: personally I love Josh, I think he's great. The things that are said about him, I totally disagree with, they're just added to enhance the effect of the argument between Josh and Jessica. So please don't be offended by anything that is said about Josh in this fic. Thanks!


Josh's POV
I look over at Paul, and he gives me that look. The one that says it's time to go and get the pots and pans out. Ah, one of my favorite parts of the day, annoying Jess and Cody. Those meatballs deserve everything that they're getting.

I go into the kitchen, and grab my favorite pair of tangerine skillets, and make my way to the back yard. Honestly, I'm so fucken do with these two meatballs, they've been in the house way too long and they need to go. This week, since I'm in power, Jessica, I'm gonna send your sorry ass home back to Boston.

"Da da da da da dum," I start, slamming the pans together as I walk around like a mechanical monkey that rigidly slaps its hands together and starts clapping.

I look over to the hammock, interrupting Jess and Cody's make out time, or as they like to call it 'strategizing'.

"Josh, could you fucken shut up for one minute?" Jessica hollers from across the yard. Time for revenge and boy is revenge is sweet.

Your POV
Good lord, what did Jessica get herself in for? I'm not on her side of the house, but I got to admit, it is pretty funny seeing her pissed off. I'm sitting next to Elena on the beige colored lawn chairs, trying to get a good tan for the summer, when I hear the pots and pans start going.

"Here comes Hurricane Josh," Elena mutters and I can't help but stifle a laugh. After a while, the whole changing got to almost a daily routine. Pots and Pans with Josh comes on CBS every day around 2:30 pm, and goes till 3:00, and some days it comes later, some days earlier.

"Josh shut the fuck up!" Jessica yells, rather annoyed. Despite her pleas, the show must go on. Cody just glances up at him and gives Josh a glare from one of his many different facial expressions. Note the sarcasm.

"You're just a guy who came on tv to get attention! You're such a child, you literally cry every day and should've been out of the house day one. You're a fucken nuisance, and you're a fat lying biatch," venom drips off of Jessica's every word.

Honestly, I never liked Jessica to begin with, and I didn't like Cody anymore. Personally, I think she's just a spoiled bitch that wants more attention. She continues on, "You're just a rat in this house that fucks up everything. And you're calling ME a meatball?! Last time I checked, it looks like you ate one too many meatballs," a smirk dancing across her lips. Damn Jessica, that was uncalled for.

"Josh, let's get out of here," I walk up to him and try to step in between the two, hoping that my presence will break up their little conflict. But not to my surprise, it did nothing. I swear, this fighting won't stop till one of them are out of the house, and I don't even want to think about what'll happen if they both make it to Jury...

"Yo, bro, let's break it up," Paul intervenes and sets his glass down on the table. Josh barely looks at him, before sending a glare at Jessica. If looks could kill, they'd both be dead.

"Come on, she's not worth it," I try to convince him. He finally looks down at me, and I see his face soften a bit, but it's evident that her words definitely hit a soft spot for him.

He shoots one last look to Jessica as Paul and I usher him to the HOH room. I grab the brass knob of the door and open it for him and Paul to walk in. I go and make my way over to the golden bed, and sit Indian style. "Just take a deep breath, trust me it helps," I offer him some advice. At some point, everyone hits their breaking point, and I don't blame him, her words were definitely uncalled for.

"Thanks, y/n," he sniffles, and you walk across the room, and climb onto the plush couch and wrap your arms around him. Paul goes and shuffles through the mini fridge, and hands him and Coke. "Thanks," he says barely louder than a mumble.

He takes a sip of the fizzy drink and sets it down onto the table. I look up into his brown eyes, the rims tinted with red, and I see a single tear stream down his face. "Josh," you say like you would to a small child who just left for their first day of kindergarten without their parents. 

I slowly wrap my arms around this big meatball-headed teddy bear and rub his back. "Josh, you know she's going to be gone as soon as we can get her up on the block," Paul quickly changes things to game talk, hoping that it can advert this conversation away from personal feelings.

"and then we can send that meatball home," I add-on, using Josh's favorite terms for a certain showmance in the house, and a small smile appears on his face. "And, if you ever need us," I gesture to Paul and myself, "We'll always be here for you, whether it's game talk or just personal talk," I reassure him.

"Thank you guys, you're the best," he looks over at me and Paul, his eyes noticeably less red. "Well," I start, patting my arms on his shoulder, "I'm going to go down stairs and be the head of the damage control team. Wish me luck," I start to get up off of the couch, but before I do, I plant a small kiss on Josh's forehead. "Feel better soon, you meatball," I tell him, and the last thing I see before I head down stairs is a permeant smile written on his face. Mission accomplished.


authors note: ahhh! sorry, this took forever to update, I was on vacation for a couple weeks, and now school starts back up for me on Friday, so hopefully, I can keep chapters coming. I apologize for taking so long, but thank you all for reading and leaving requests :) and thank you so much for 100 votes, it means a lot!

- val

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