paul [bb19]

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***just a disclaimer for this chapter, there will be some foul/mature language used in this chapter, so read at your own risk! you've been warned *inserts halting hex laugh*



"This thing's heavier than I thought," Jason remarks as he wraps his fingers around the veto necklace as Jessica walks through the room.

"Hey y/n, can I talk to you?" Jessica asks as she walks into the rose room.

"Sure," I respond simply, and following her into the room.

(this is where the language starts*)

"Ya'know y/n, you're just a skanky ass bitch who needs to grow up and stop being a f*cking whore. We all know that you've been trying to sleep with all the guys this season, it's just all those little rats don't say a f*cking thing about it! I'm absolutely done with all this bullshit that you've been giving everyone, and I'm going to send you sorry ass home!" She yells aggressively

"What the f*ck did I ever do to you!" I scream back in her face.

"You just have no f*cking clue about anything, do you bitch?" The venom encasing her words is almost tangible.

"Says the girl who's been f*cking with Cody every single night!" I retort. Based on her facial expressions, she looks taken aback. Before either of us can get another word in, the door opens and Kevin and Jason walk in.

"Girls, calm down, stop your clamoring," he coos. In the house, Kevin is more of a father figure to anyone else, considering that he's a father of seven.

"DID YOU EVEN HEAR WHAT SHE'S SAYING?!" I am literally at my breaking point here. One can only take so many punches till they break. Ya'know how they said 'sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me,' well f*ck them because that's one thousand percent false.

"How about we get you out of the room," Jason suggests while grabbing onto my shoulders, as I lash out at Jessica. "NO! Let me give that skanky little bitch what she deserves!" I scream as Jason picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "How about no, sweetheart," he tells me cooly and starts to walk out of the room.

The last thing I see before we walk out of the room was Kevin inquiring with Jessica, in a low hushed manner, and Jessica staring at me with a smirk playing on her lips and a silent bitch face on. Hmm, must've learned that one from Cody.

"Jason! Put me down!" I try to squirm out of his grip, but being a rodeo clown must give him some major muscles because I don't think he has any intention of putting me down. Nor do I want to be dropped from his towering 6'5" height, compared to my (_'_") height.

"Sorry sweetheart, but we're going to the HOH room," he says a matter-of-factly. "Damn you, Jason," I mumble under my breath. He starts climbing the maroon spiral staircase, till we reach the HOH room, and turns the door knob.

Once he closes the door behind us, he carefully sets me down on the edge of the bed. "What was that for?" I shout at him. Before he gives a response, I notice that there's actually pretty many people in the room, Jason, Matt, Josh, Paul, Alex, Elena, and Christmas. "Well, you were right about to explode there sister," All attention has now snapped from their original small talk to news of me blowing up Jessica's game.

"Wait, hold up a second. Jason, could you explain to us what just happened down there to cause y/n coming up here in tears and screaming?" Paul asks. Okay, I do admit that it wasn't one of my best moments, but hey, I'm an emotional person.

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