winston [bb20]

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"so, any volunteers for slop?" tyler asks the group after becoming the first hoh of the summer.

dr: okay, your girl does loves her food very dearly, you will never find my hand volunteering to eat slop

there's a long pause in the house, i honestly can't fathom why somebody would purposefully want to eat that stuff. then i see kaitlyn, brett, winston and scottie all raise there hand to volunteer to be have nots for the week and eat slop. thank the big brother gods for them.

"let's go see the have not room!" tyler shouts and we all follow him to the room. inside there are tons of little discs that are supposedly beds for the summer.

dr: i know that i said that i like my food but i like my bed even more. have fun sleeping in those ufo looking beds suckers!

after a while of looking around the have not room and feeling not the littlest bit guilty that i did not have to sleep there, i decided to go out to the backyard and lay in one of the chairs outside of the pool and read it one my favorite books, to kill a mockingbird, it's a classic and it bring backs a lot of good memories.

the sun was out today with not a cloud in the sky, so it's perfect for a tanning day. before i get out there i had quickly changed into my bathing suit because bad tan lines are literally the worst. i should know.

so it's been about half an hour, and kaitlyn comes out next to me and sits down in one of the plush recliners.

"hey thanks for giving me company," i give her a genuine smile. "yea of course, i have to have some excuse to go tanning all the time," she says and i chuckle at her response.

"so kaitlyn, i've heard that you and faysal are sort of a thing," i suggest discreetly.
"what? pshhh no," she tries to divert the question. "come on, i've seen the way that you look at him," i persist.

"okay, okay, maybe i do like him a little bit but you don't have to announce it to the whole house!" she says in a hushed voice.

"i knew it," i say with a smirk on my face, "you two would literally look adorable together," i tell her. i look around and it looks like a few more houseguests have made their way to the backyard. faysal, winston and brett are working out, rockstar and bayleigh are in the pool and steve and scottie are hanging out in the corner by the hammock.

"well, i mean i think you and winston have something going on," she suggests, "what do you mean?" i act trying to play dumb. truth is is that i've kinda had something for winston ever since we got here. like he's exactly my type and he loves dogs and i just find him really attractive.

"come on girl, don't try to play dumb with me i've seen the way you look at him. and, ya know i don't think he would mind being in a showmance," she suggests.

"i don't know what i should do kaitlyn. i don't want to be that one person who gets stuck in a showmance and it ends their game, but i also want to follow my heart but i don't want to try to be with him but then have things get really weird if the feeling is not mutual. ugh i'm so indecisive," well folks, there's your rant of the day.

"i totally get how you're feeling, me too actually. but just take a deep breath and try to calm down," i do as she says and take a deep breath. "in and out," she instructs using some of her life coach experience.

"see, don't you feel a little better now?" she questions, "yea i actually do," feeling a lot more calm than i was before.

"listen," she turns and looks at me, "my advice would be to go for it. if you're gonna be in the house for the whole summer, why not have a little fun?" she tells me.

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