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Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"Dylan, when I first met you, it was like a dream. You couldn't of been real, yet here you are standing in front of me about to say I do and it's still somewhat of a dream to me. The things we've gone through together. The love we share that everyone wants. The laughs, the smiles, and of course the kisses!" I giggled.

I was standing there giving my vows to Dylan. Dylan's eyes were on me and so was everyone else's. My family was in the front row and my gram gave me a playful wink when I smiled at her. My mom gave me a thumbs up and my dad gave me an air high five.

Kayla and Scott's wedding was in a couple of months and Kayla was one of my brides maids. Of course Scott was Dylan's best man. Kayce was my maid of honor and she gave me a nudge to continue my speech.

"Oh, right!" I mumbled.

Everyone laughed including Dylan.

"I know that I would say it wasn't fate but looking back, this is fate. If it weren't for fate I wouldn't have you. I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be this excited to spend the rest of my life with you. I am so happy! I honestly never thought you'd be able to change my mind about fate and love but you did. Dylan I love you so much and I'm unbelievably lucky you feel the same!" I smiled.

Dylan's smile took my breath away when everyone awed at my speech. Dylan was next to say his vows and he grabbed my hands and held them tight. His amazing soft naturally spiked brown hair was unbelievably perfect an his blue eyes showed nothing but love which made my heart skip a beat.

"Arabella, you drive me insane. I mean I should have a Stanley Cup with how many times my heart races. I can't get you out of my head. You're the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I go to bed. So whenever you wake up from this dream just know I'll still be there. I'm not going anywhere and I truly hope you believe that. I love you Arabella so much more than you'll ever know." He gushed.

I grinned at him and ignored the whole kiss rule. I slammed my lips to his and he kissed me back. I could faintly hear laughs and giggles but I didn't care.

"I think you have to say I do first!" The pastor chuckled.

Dylan pulled away and smirked at me.

"I do!" I said breathlessly

"Oh and I definitely do!" Dylan chuckled.

"Then you can kiss the bride, again." The pastor grinned.

Without another word Dylan pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately. Everyone was clapping and when we finally pulled away Dylan swooped me off my feet, bridal style. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him.

"You look unbelievably hot in that dress!" Dylan whispered in my ear.

"Down boy, we have a crowd of family and friends to dance and talk with." I blushed.

He took me inside the big white house that we had reserved for the wedding. The house had the most amazing garden, which is where we got married just a second ago. I giggled when he put me down. The room for the reception was starting to become flooded with family and friends.

"Come on!" He grinned and grabbed my hand.

"Dylan! We have guests!" I giggled as he dragged me upstairs.

"They can wait!" he pouted.

I giggled when I found out where he was taking me. My dressing room. When we got in the room he closed the door and locked it.

"Dylan, no!" I grinned.

I tried to be stern but what the hell. He was practically kidnapping me.

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