The Whole Day Spent With You

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Chapter Nine: The Whole Day Spent With You

Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up feeling Dylan's strong arms around me and smiled. I noticed I was completely naked and my thoughts wandered back to last night. He was so honest and vulnerable. I was so scared of getting hurt I almost let the best thing to walk into my life just walk right out. When he told me how much he cared and loved me I realized then I wanted to be with him and no one else. I felt guilty for getting mad at him for sleeping with Marissa. Who am I to judge in a situation like that? I think I was more hurt than anything else that he went from someone so cold to someone like me. I'm not saying I'm the best person in the world but I wouldn't pull the crap she did. She was selfish and thoughtless making my dislike for her grow even stronger.

"You're awake." Dylan said in an adorable tired voice.

"I guess I am." I smiled and turned around to face him.

His arms tightened around me and he kissed my forehead. I pulled myself closer to him so our bodies were smashed together. I didn't like being away from him even if it was just an inch. He smirked and kissed me passionately. I realized just then we were naked and he was suffering from morning-wood. I giggled and pulled away. He looked at me confused and then realized the reason I pulled away, he blushed.

"Sorry I always forget about that." He whispered.

I shook my head and dragged myself out of bed. I could feel his eyes on me as I bent down to grab his button up and put it on. I turned around and he was smirking.

"You look better in it than I do." He chuckled.

"I think it's just because I'm pretty much naked." I rolled my eyes.

I looked around my room to see if I could find his boxers. I looked up and they were hanging on the right top corner of my TV. I laughed and walked over to it. I turned around and ran into Dylan and his bare body. I felt his hands gently touch mine as he took the boxers from my hands. He bent down to pull them on and once he had done so he leaned up against me making my back touch the wall. I could feel his breath on my cheek and I bit my lip. I heard him groan as he caught me biting my lip.

"You know how that drives me crazy." His warm breath touched my ear as he spoke against it.

I shivered in response and he smiled. He took a couple steps back and walked towards my bathroom.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I need to take a cold shower before we reenact last night's wonderful events." He winked.

"Why can't we reenact last night?" I pouted and he walked up towards me.

"I have the whole day with you. I wanna spend it with you and not in your bed, though I really like that idea to." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes as he kissed my forehead and I plopped on my bed as I tried to control my hormones. I heard the water turn off after what seemed like forever but was really just like 15 minutes. I rolled over on my stomach trying to keep all my dirty thoughts away so I could concentrate but I failed immensely when Dylan walked out of the bathroom with just a white towel hanging around his waist.

"You're doing this all on purpose!" I groaned into my pillow.

I heard him laugh and I felt my bed move and the next thing I knew I was turned onto my back looking at Dylan. He kissed me passionately and gently touched my thigh. His hands lifted up towards my stomach and I felt my stomach tingle. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer. I could feel his excitement growing and I moaned. My fingers ran through his wet hair. I pulled his face closer to deepen the kiss and he moaned. He pulled away and shook his head.

"What?" I groaned.

"I'm not with you because I wanna have sex with you all the time. I'm with you because I love you and don't get me wrong making love to you is absolutely amazing but I wanna spend the day in fresh clothes and doing something fun." He smiled.

I smiled. My hormones had disappeared and all I could feel was the love I had for him in my heart. He got off from being on top of me and he pulled on some jeans. I got him one of my older brothers t-shirts to wear for the day. He looked amazing in it even though it was just a dark green shirt he still made it look sexy. I had gotten dressed after taking a much needed shower and walked to my closet mirror. I smiled. My hair was in a ponytail and I was wearing a sweatshirt and some skinny jeans.

"Ready to go?" Dylan flashed me a smile making my heart skip a beat.

"Yes, I believe so." I smiled back.

Dylan's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

She looked so gorgeous even though she was dressed so simple. Last night was amazing and I was so thankful to have Arabella in my life. This morning has not been easy though. I really just want to stay in bed with her, but I have something planned for her today. I wanted to take her to the same beach I took her for our first date. I wanted to just sit there on the beach and watch as the sun set and hold her in my arms. I wanted to cherish her and everything about her.

"So where are we going?" Arabella asked curiously.

"Can't quite say yet." I smirked and she groaned.

A song came on the radio and she started humming to it. I smiled. After a while of driving we reached the beach and I heard a huge squeal of excitement escape Arabella's soft lips.

"This is where you took me on our first date!" She looked at me with excitement.

I smiled and walked to the passenger door and opened it she jumped out and ran towards the beach. I shook my head and laughed as I closed the car door and locked it. I ran after her and tackled her, our bodies landed on the soft warm grains of sand. She was breathing heavily from running so fast and she let out a big breath. I laughed as she pouted at me for ruining her excitement. I kissed her forehead and picked her up from the sand. She giggled and nuzzled her head in my neck. I laid down close enough to the water to watch the waves hit the shore but not close enough to get us wet. She snuggled in my lap and after a couple minutes I felt her tense up.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked concern lacing my voice.

"Nothing, I'm fine." she looked up and smiled.

"I have a question." I said softly.

"I probably have an answer." She giggled.

"Why are you so worried I'll hurt you?" I asked shyly.

"Because everyone always ends up hurting me." She whispered.

"Like who?" I asked curiously.

"I dated this guy named Luke; captain of the football team dating the captain of the soccer team is the idle couple at my school." She sighed.

"I dated Luke for a very long time. He always wanted to have sex but I told him no every time he tried. The night of our schools first football game I found him making out with Lisa the cheerleader captain. I was so angry and hurt I left before the game started. Ever since then I stopped going to football games. It hurt too much." She continued.

"Your football game was the first one I'd been to in two months." She looked up at me.

My heart broke a little inside knowing some jerk could hurt my Arabella like that. I could tell she was over it but it still didn't make it okay. I hugged her tightly from behind and she snuggled closer to me.

"Thank you Dylan." She whispered.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For being mine and giving me the chance to spend the whole day with you." She smiled and I kissed her forehead.

"My pleasure." I whispered in her ear.

After that we were quiet and watching the sun set. It was a nice quiet, not an awkward quiet.

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