Meeting The Parents

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Chapter Thirteen: Meeting The Parents

Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

"Are you ready for this?" Dylan whispered in my ear. 

I shook my head and he chuckled.

"They will love you! I promise!" He smiled giving me a kiss on my nose.

I took a deep, shaky breath as we entered his house. It was just as I remembered it to. I had left shortly after the Scott walking in on us incident I went home shortly afterwards. Dylan asked me to finally meet his parents. I said yes of course and now I am stuck in this very awkward position. 

"Dylan? Or is that Scott? Either son will-" His mom walked in and stopped. 

I gave Dylan a confused look. Did she just call Scott her son? I stare at Dylan and he shuffles in stance and then smiles at his mom.

"Nope just me! I told you I would finally bring her!" He smiled squeezing my hand to comfort me.

"Oh my gosh!!! Arabella!!! You are absolutely gorgeous!! I have been waiting to meet you for so long!" She jumped over to me in excitement and I could feel my cheeks burning from her sweet comment. 

She was absolutely breathtaking. Her brown hair was up in a bun and she looked like she had just stepped out of I Love Lucy! No joke, I already loved her!!! Her beautiful blue eyes examined me and her pearl white smile made me smile. 

"It's so great to finally meet you Mrs. Andrews!" I smiled as she gave me a big hug.

I turned around to look up at Dylan and he looked smug. I rolled my eyes and he winked at me. I heard his mom gasp.

"Dylan Tyler Andrews! That is no one way to look at a young beautiful lady! I know you know better! Here Arabella why don't you come with me? I would love to talk with you finally! Plus you won't have to feel like Dylan is undressing you with his testosterone filled eyes!" She scowled Dylan.

"Mom! I-I would never! I am always a gentlemen to her!" His eyes looked offended.

"Most of the time!" I corrected him.

His mom giggled and grabbed my hand leading me to the kitchen. I turned my head and stuck my tongue at him. He glared at me but I just gave him a quick wink and went into the kitchen.

"I feel like I already know you Arabella! Dylan is absolutely crazy about you!" She gushed as I stood across the counter from her.

"That's really sweet." I blushed.

"Now mom don't ruin my tough guy facade. " Dylan made both of us jump as he entered the room.

We both rolled our eyes and he smirked. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"You two are just the cutest!" His mom giggled.

"Hear that? She thinks we're cute." He whispered in my ear.

I bit my lip and almost yelped when Dylan caressed my butt and squeezed it. I stepped on his foot and he jumped.

"Ow!!" He groaned.

"Serves you right!" I smirked.

His mom looked up and snickered.

"Mom did you see what she did!" he pouted.

"I did see what she did and I also have an idea of what you might have done." She gave him a stern look.

"It's not fair." He pouted.

"Yah know, I really like you Arabella you keep him in line. Most of the girls he use to bring home when he was younger would just giggle and let him get away with stuff like that." She sighed shaking her head again.

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