It's Not Like I Lost My Legs

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Chapter Seventeen: It's Not Like I Lost My Legs

 Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Arabella maybe you shouldn't practice today. We wanna make sure you're absolutely okay." Kayla's voice came out motherly.

The girls wanted me to not play soccer. Are they seriously crazy? I'm not dying for goodness sake. I felt like I was in one of those interventions. 

"Guys I'm fine!" I groaned.

My head was going to start hurting if they kept going like this. Ever since I came home from the hospital a month ago everyone has treated me like I'm suddenly disabled. I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed to get out and have a life. 

"We'll see you sitting on the bench Arabella." Lily said sternly.

"It's not like I lost my legs!!!" I shouted.

They all were startled by my sudden outburst. After a moment I left embarrassed and could feel myself blushing.

"I'm sorry guys. I'm just tired of being treated like this. I want to go play soccer. Please just let me go play soccer." I begged.

They all sighed and groaned.

"Come on Arabella, get your cleats I'll stay with you." Hazel smiled.

I could hear grumbles and groans as the girls left the locker rooms. I smiled appreciatively at Hazel.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"You're stubborn as hell Arabella." She giggled.

"Sorry." I frowned.

"We just worry. We love you so much and want to make sure you don't scare us like that again. So try not to blow our heads off please?" She spoke softly.

I nodded my head as I tied my laces. I turned around and gave Hazel the biggest hug. 

"Thank you. I know you guys just want to help but treating me like I'm different won't change anything." I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Arabella, we never intended for you to feel that way. I'm sorry." She whispered.

I smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Come on, soccer practice." I giggled.

We headed out to the field and they all were waiting for me. When we reached them I couldn't hide my grin. I missed the field, the soft green grass. The sound the grass makes when my cleats stepped on it. I was so ready to play this season.

"We're sorry." Lily frowned.

"I know you guys only want whats best for me." I smiled softly at them.

It was about a minute before I finally broke the awkward silence.

"Lets stretch!" My words came out all bubbly.

I realized then in this moment. I was happy. I wasn't seen as a pity party. I was seen as a girl who plays soccer. I needed this moment. I need to feel like for once I wasn't treated like a China Doll. Dylan was frustrating me and for some reason I felt like he was pulling away from me. I didn't know why but I know I didn't like it. 

When we finished stretching we ran a mile and passed the football field. I rolled my eyes when some of my guy friends teasingly whistled at me. I could tell they were happy to see me back to myself. When we returned to the soccer field I noticed a bunch of guys in football uniforms but they weren't our schools colors.

"Um, can we help you?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes you can as a matter of fact." The familiar voice echoed.

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