The Plan

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Chapter Eleven: The Plan

Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Wait so Lisa is being blackmailed?" Lily asked astonished.

I nodded in response. I had the girls come over to my house early in the morning before school so we could come up with a game plan. I needed to talk to Lisa alone but if it was someone at our school blackmailing her I would have to be careful. I need to find out what kind of dirt this person had on Lisa.

"Alright so how do we get you two alone?" Kayla asked confused.

"She's been sick a lot lately. So she goes to the nurse's office a lot. You could get her alone there, can't you?" Hazel spoke after a moment of silence.

"We have to make sure they don't see Arabella though." Trisha spoke quietly.

"I'll be in there beforehand. I'll dress up as the nurse and when she walks to the nurses office make sure she is alone so no one follows her." I decided.

We all nodded in agreement. We got into our vehicles and drove to school. No one was really there yet so we all walked into the nurse's office.

"Hey Ms. Tepa." I smiled.

She looked up and practically glowed.

"There's my favorite girls!" She cheered and walked up to us.

"We have a favor to ask you." Kayla smiled innocently.

Ms. Tepa gave us the 'Oh no' look as though she knew she wasn't going to like it. Ms. Tepa was the school nurse and she was also our soccer coach. We had a very close relationship with her and she always had a soft spot for us. We explained to her what had happened and she shook her head.

"You guys had gotten along so great." She groaned.

"I wanted to know if maybe I could play the nurse for today?" I said innocently bashing my eye lashes.

"Arabella." She frowned.

"I promise to be good and not get caught! She is being watched and this is the only safe place where I can actually find out what's really going on." I begged.

She took in a deep breath and grabbed her stuff.

"She comes in around third period alright?" She explained and smiled weakly.

"Behave and try not to get caught." She hugged all of us and we thanked her.

We watched as she walked out the back door so she wouldn't be seen. We all looked at each other and I pulled my phone out.

"Hey babe, I wanted to ask you something." I said shyly.

"What is it gorgeous?" Dylan answered.

"You know how your mom is a nurse? Well can I borrow one of her nurse outfits?" I asked sweetly.

"Uhhh sure?" He spoke in a question.

"Great! Come to my school and head to the nurse's office!" I hung up without explaining.

They all looked at me confused.

"I don't have a nurse outfit." I blushed and they rolled their eyes.

"So this Dylan, does he treat you right?" Lily asked sitting next to me.

Everyone had their eyes on me and I nodded confidently.

"Like a princess." I gushed.

They all made kissy noises and "aww" sounds and I laughed.

"Have you met his parents yet?" Kayla asked curiously.

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