Give me your heart and your hand and we can run!

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A/N: Okay so I've decided there will be 41 chapters unless otherwise noted. This is chapter 39 only two left! There will probably be a sequel unless you guys really don't want one (in which case tell me because it will change the ending to this a little) I just need to figure out the story line. Thanks for sticking with me on this, enjoy!

"Only if they catch you." Vic said deviously. I cocked my head in confusion. "Come on." Vic took my hand and dragged me towards the stairs. I stumbled behind him as he made us run into my room. He yanked a bag out of my closet and threw it on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Pack it. Anything you'll need for the next few days." He ordered urgently. He disappeared out the door into his room and came back with some of his clothes. I heard the cops slam their car door shut, they were on their way into the house.

"Vic, what--"

"Jo." He dropped the clothes in the bag and held my shoulders. "For once will you please just do what I say and not fight me on this?" I nodded. "Good, now hurry up!" I threw some clothes into the bag. There wasn't much I needed other than that. "Don't bring your phone, they can track it." Vic said. I nodded and threw it on the bed. Tony and Jaime had gone out and bought me a phone while I was at the hospital last night. The doorbell rang and Vic cursed under his breath. "I'll be right back. Vic ran into his room before Mike opened the door. As he came back, someone yelled to him from downstairs. The cops had seen him as he crossed the top of the stairs.

"Excuse me, Mister Fuentes? May we speak with you for a minute?" Asked one of the cops. Vic froze and made eye contact with me through the open door. He gave me a subtle look to stay where I was and I nodded. Vic turned towards the stairs and rushed down them.

"Officer! Thank god, did you find her yet!?" He asked in a desperate tone. I creeped to the wall next to the stairs and listened to the conversation.

"What are you talking about, Sir? Find who?"

"My daughter, Jo? I thought they sent out a search party for her this morning!" Vic was a great actor. He sounded so upset, and I had forgotten; none of them knew I came home. "She ran away; you didn't know?" Vic asked.

"I'm sorry, Mister Fuentes, we actually came here looking for her. We were unaware she was missing." The cop said, confused.

"Then...why are you here?" Vic asked.

"Sir, your daughter is involved with gang violence and is linked to at least three, if not more, gang-related deaths. Homicides to be more accurate."

"Wait, you think my daughter murdered someone? Are you crazy?"

"Sir, the evidence that we've gathered is enough to suggest that your daughter did in fact shoot and kill multiple victims." What? What evidence did they have?

"I'm sorry Officer, I don't know anything about that. I just want my daughter back..." Vic made his voice crack and sounded like he was about to cry.

"We assure you, we are doing everything we can to find her, but there will be consequences when we do. We can keep you updated with our progress, but we have to go now."

"Okay...Thank you, Officer." Vic said sadly. The cop left and Vic shut the door. He perked up and ran back upstairs. "Come on, Jo! We need to leave, now!" I stood up and followed Vic back into my room. He threw something into the bag and folded up a stack of cash and stuffed it in as well.

"Where are we going? Vic, what are you doing!?" I was so confused and he hadn't told me anything yet. Vic slung the bag over his shoulder and pressed something into my hands as he walked by me. I looked down and I was holding a passport.

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