You told me think about it well I did

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The doctor blotted all my cuts with hydrogen peroxide and bandaged them up. Then she unraveled the bandage that was around my head and cleaned off the dried blood. She stitched up the cut, and put a new bandage on it. She also got some of the blood out of my hair, but I still couldn't wait to take a shower. Dr. Phillips got a new doctor to deal with my ankle, which ended up being sprained pretty badly.

I called Cali and told her to get to the hospital soon after I found out about Vic, which was amazingly cool, but something that I really didn't want, so she arrived sometime while I was being cleaned up. She gushed over the guys at first, and then started telling them a little about me.

No one was allowed to come into the room I was in because it was really small. I was kind of thankful, I really didn't want to get pounded with questions, especially when my head was still pounding.

My ankle was sprained so badly they actually had to put a boot on it, which I thought was a little excessive but whatever. The doctor said she was going to get my father so I could leave. Leave with him. As soon as she left I jumped off the bed and ran out the door. I made sure to be really quiet on my booted foot and I made it out of the hospital.

I took a bus to a stop near the warehouse and got off. I realized how exhausted I was and flopped down on my cot. My phone vibrated a few times. I looked at the missed texts.


I just got to the hospital where are you?

Why didn't you tell me Vic Fuentes was your dad??

Where'd you run off to? Everyone's worried especially your dad ^.^

Hey go back to the warehouse I'm headed back don't worry no one came with me and I told Mark hope that's alright see you soon!

Great I was already here, now I don't have to move. I turned my phone off and shut my eyes, relaxing into the pillow. I fell asleep quickly.

I was rudely awoken by someone slapping my shoulder. I opened m eyes to see a very excited Cali staring at me.

"Eeek! I'll help you pack!" she said throwing my clothes into a bag. "You have to promise me you'll invite me over because if you don't I'll just show up without warning. And throw lots if parties so I can meet all their famous friends. And don't you dare forget about me, Jodie Mae Andrews, because if you do I swear I'll--"

"Cali! I won't forget about you, because I'm not going to live with them!" I yelled to get her attention.


"I'm not going to live with them, I'm going to stay here, with you and Mark."

"Oh, really?" Cali asked, surprised. I nodded. "Well, that's not what it seemed like to them. You were all the talked about while we were waiting for you; how much they liked you, how cool it would be to have a kid around. God, Jodie, they were talking about how they could rearrange the house for you! When you left, Vic was about to call the police and send out a search party for you. These guys have been your role models for years, you find out one of them is your dad, and you don't even consider the thought of living with them?" I nod again. "Baby, baby, you're so crazy!" She quoted.

"Hey, I never asked for this! I never asked for my dad back! I had a mother and we all know how that turned out. I don't want that anymore."

"But, Jo, she beat you! Vic couldn't do that even if he wanted to, it's bad publicity! And you could totally take him..."

"But, Cali, it wasn't just that, and that was only last night and she was drunk. It was the controlling and the forcing me to do things, the disappointment."

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