A celebration of an ending

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A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for all the reads/votes/comments, I really love hearing that you like the story. So anyway, this story will be about 38 chapters long in total according to what I have planned. There might be more or less depending on how it all works out but anyway this is the twentieth chapter so we're a little more than halfway done!

Tony's POV

"SHE DID WHAT!?" Mike screeched.

"Yeah, I just walked in on her with some guy." Mike stared at Vic with his mouth open. His face was turning red.

"Wait, but she did WHAT?!" Vic rolled his eyes at the necessity of explaining this to Mike for the fifth time.

"Mike, I doubt it was the first time she's done it. Plus she was drunk." Mike sighed.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Vic looked thoughtful for a second and then shrugged.

"I...don't really know. How am I supposed to punish her?"

"Ohh!" Jaime, my amazing wonderful adorable funny boyfriend squealed (the most adorable thing I've ever heard!) "You should sit her down and give her 'the talk'. Make it all awkward and stuff and tell her a bunch of horror stories about all the STD's she could get!"

"What, like 'the white blood cell was searching through the bloodstream and then...BOO! The HIV virus jumped out and...'" Mike started.

"No! No, I'm not going to do that, that's just punishing me. Ugh, god, what do I do?"

"Take her phone away?" Mike suggested.

"Too easy."

"We could prank her like crazy!" Jaime said.

"You're going to do that anyway and I really don't want to be the one she's going after for revenge." Vic sighed and flopped down on the couch in defeat.

"Hey, Vic? Weren't you going to take her on stage at our concert tonight and introduce her to the fan base?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, you should tell a bunch of embarrassing stories about her."

"Like how her brother is trying to kill us all?"

"No, like how she's lived in San Diego her whole live, yet still can't swim. And how you walked in on her doing it with a guy she doesn't even know. How she lived on the streets until you heroically came to her rescue."

"I don't know...they could get turned around on us so easily. The fans might not even take it well that I just got custody over a daughter I never knew I had. How is that going to make me look?"

"Like a shitty parent." Mike said.

"Then just treat her like the adult she is trying to be. She'll get sick of it eventually." I said.

"Yeah...okay, sounds good. I hope this works, she's barely even talking to me."

"Well, what do you expect her to say?" Mike asked. Vic shrugged. The door swung open and Jo walked onto the bus. We all stared at her until she looked up at us from her phone screen.

"What?" She asked adding a death glare into the mix. We all looked away, and Vic stood up and went over to her.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." Vic told the bus driver that we were all on and ready to head to the venue. Vic sighed and came over to Jaime and I. "I'm sorry guys, I'm making this about me again. Congratulations. I'm really happy for you two." He patted my shoulder.

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